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12 March 2025
- diffhist Module:template parser 02:46 +687 Theknightwho talk contribs (Don't just directly preprocess templates when expanding,)
- diffhist Module:template parser 00:02 +102 Theknightwho talk contribs (Ensure that parse() always returns a wikitext node, which is easier to deal with.)
11 March 2025
- diffhist Module:languages/data 20:42 +48 Theknightwho talk contribs (Aliases for Low German, so that the language codes can be standardised.)
- diffhist Module:languages/canonical names 12:08 +4 Theknightwho talk contribs (updated)
- diffhist Module:languages/data 12:08 +26 Theknightwho talk contribs (Add alias.)
10 March 2025
- diffhist Module:languages/data/3/m 23:54 0 Theknightwho talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
- diffhist Module:languages/data 23:33 −26 Theknightwho talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
- diffhist Module:languages/data/3/m 23:32 0 Theknightwho talk contribs Tag: Reverted
- diffhist Module:languages/data/2 23:14 −48 Theknightwho talk contribs (Remove obsolete fields.)
- diffhist Module:languages/data/3/m 23:08 −24 Theknightwho talk contribs (More specific family for Mirandese.)
- diffhist Module:languages/data/2 23:02 −20 Theknightwho talk contribs (More specific families for various West Iberian languages.)
- diffhist Module:languages/canonical names 22:30 +29 Theknightwho talk contribs (updated)
- diffhist Module:languages/canonical names 21:50 +34 Theknightwho talk contribs (updated)
- diffhist Module:languages 20:11 −9 Theknightwho talk contribs (Bugfix issue with "qfa-not".)
- diffhist Module:languages/data 16:18 +26 Theknightwho talk contribs (Alias.) Tag: Reverted
- diffhist Module:languages 09:51 −36 Theknightwho talk contribs
- diffhist Module:languages 09:37 −7 Theknightwho talk contribs (Merge Module:families/data/etymology with Module:families/data.)
- diffhist Module:languages 09:29 +19 Theknightwho talk contribs
- diffhist Module:string utilities 04:44 +1,018 Theknightwho talk contribs (Add title_case, camel_case and snake_case functions.)
9 March 2025
8 March 2025
- diffhist Module:languages 08:25 +486 Theknightwho talk contribs (Better handling of substrate category names + links.)
- diffhist Module:languages/canonical names 06:36 +30 Theknightwho talk contribs (updated)
- diffhist Module:languages/data/2 05:30 +4 Theknightwho talk contribs
- diffhist Module:languages/data/2 05:15 −6 Theknightwho talk contribs (Restrict the Old Italic script to Old Latin.)
- diffhist Module:languages/data/3/m 02:29 +9 Chuck Entz talk contribs
- diffhist Module:languages/canonical names 02:01 +136 Theknightwho talk contribs (updated)
7 March 2025
- diffhist Module:languages 22:10 +517 Theknightwho talk contribs (Add new version of getAncestorChain() which can handle multiple ancestors.)
- diffhist Module:languages 21:19 +57 Theknightwho talk contribs
- diffhist Module:languages 20:21 +930 Theknightwho talk contribs (Add getDataModuleName() and getExtraDataModuleName() as language methods (in addition to the externally-callable functions with the same names), and include the "Module:" prefix from the returned results.)
- diffhist Module:scripts 18:17 +121 Theknightwho talk contribs
- diffhist Module:scripts 18:14 +85 Theknightwho talk contribs (Add getDataModuleName().)
- diffhist Module:languages 16:33 +4 Theknightwho talk contribs (More intuitive for ancestorChain to give the most recent ancestor first.)
6 March 2025
- diffhist Module:languages 15:43 +354 Theknightwho talk contribs (Avoid generating an unnecessary array when only checking one other object/code with inFamily(), hasParent() or hasDescendant().)
- diffhist Module:languages 13:16 −178 Theknightwho talk contribs (Also makeSortKey.)
- diffhist Module:languages 12:57 −8 Theknightwho talk contribs (Do the same for makeEntryName and generateForms.)
- diffhist Module:languages 11:55 +500 Theknightwho talk contribs (Start transitioning functions like makeDisplayText, makeEntryName etc. in custom modules towards taking language and script objects, instead of codes, which avoids having to generate new objects in those functions.)
- diffhist Module:languages/data 00:55 −1,449 Theknightwho talk contribs (Hebrew-script data all moved to Module:Hebr-common.)
- diffhist Module:languages/data/3/m 00:34 −18 Theknightwho talk contribs (Use Module:Hebr-common.)
- diffhist Module:languages/data/2 00:25 −605 Theknightwho talk contribs (Use Module:Hebr-common.)
5 March 2025
- diffhist Module:languages/data 23:21 +28 Theknightwho talk contribs
- diffhist Module:languages/data 23:05 +19 Theknightwho talk contribs