It 'a long time that I try this TV miniseries. Can anyone tell me where I can see? . Many years have passed since its airing, and have not passed over. My memories are good, I found it interesting and exciting, for a fiction. The plot is full of feeling, but about two Mafia families who hate and *** each other in the canons of the feud. The story is set in calabria.Ho I did much research online, but I found the DVD. If someone can write a copy to my email address: I would be happy to buy it. Now I need also to study the Italian fiction Armored and I think one of the most interesting and original products baked on TV. They welcome any information possible. An actress Stefania Sandrelli, who I love with Andrea Giordana and many other actors that are difficult to see working together in a story like this so special. Thanks in advance for any kind of help. Chiara