- Thomas Luther Price: If you're too close to a man, you see too much of him. You can watch him sweat, wet his mouth, blink. And while your eyes are taking all that in, he can *** you. Back off. See everything and nothing.
- Hannie Caulder: Thank you Sheriff.
- [turns to leave]
- Sheriff Moody: Any time.
- Sheriff Moody: [slaps her on the butt] Any time at all.
- Hannie Caulder: [turns back to him] If you weren't the Sheriff, I'd call one.
- Sheriff Moody: Your bottom's wet.
- Hannie Caulder: So's your chin.
- Rufus Clements: I stole a Bible, Em. Do you want to read over Frank?
- Emmett Clements: You know damn right well I can't read! The hell with him anyway!
- [slaps the Bible from Rufus' hands]
- Rufus Clements: You shouldn't have done that, Em. You're gonna get God mad at us and he's liable to...
- Emmett Clements: Shut your damn mouth!
- Rufus Clements: Well, I want to say something over Frank!
- Emmett Clements: Well, say it and get it the hell over with!
- Rufus Clements: All right... Frank... You're dead! Goddamn if I don't miss you already, you miserable bastard!
- Sheriff Lee: Damn it, woman! You didn't have to cut him in half, did ya?
- Hannie Caulder: Both halves match, don't they?
- Hannie Caulder: I'll make it worth your while.
- Thomas Luther Price: I don't see no pockets in that blanket.
- Hannie Caulder: I wasn't talking about money.
- Thomas Luther Price: Well, I'll be damned. You do want somebody killed bad, don't you?
- Rufus Clements: Always two against one. Ya'd lay off me fast enough if Pop was still alive.
- Emmett Clements: He still would be if ya hadn't shot him!
- Rufus Clements: How many times I have to tell you? I was cleanin' mah gun! Look, there ain't a night that goes by that I don't think of Pop's face.
- Frank Clemens: You mean what was left of it.
- Sheriff Lee: You're a hard woman, Hannie Caulder.
- Hannie Caulder: Like the man said: there aren't any hard women, only soft men.
- Rufus Clements: Just drop the damn bottle.
- Hannie Caulder: [with her back turned to Rufus] Hello, Rufus.
- Rufus Clements: I heard you got real smart since we saw you last.
- Hannie Caulder: Funny, I didn't hear the same thing about you.
- Thomas Luther Price: [after knocking Hannie down] You wouldn't by any chance be married to a no-good bastard with a price on his head, would you?
- Hannie Caulder: You're a bounty hunter?
- Thomas Luther Price: I am.
- Hannie Caulder: You *** men for money?
- Thomas Luther Price: You know a better reason?
- Hannie Caulder: Yes, I do...
- Thomas Luther Price: [as Hannie gets up] Your man ran off with a... painted lady?
- Hannie Caulder: I wish he had.
- [turns around, walks away]
- Hannie Caulder: The way you shoot that gun, can you teach me?
- Thomas Luther Price: What for? You wanna *** somebody?
- Hannie Caulder: [looks back sharply] Yeah...!
- Thomas Luther Price: Horseshit. You couldn't go off and leave a man on the cold ground last night.
- Hannie Caulder: I'll learn.
- Thomas Luther Price: You'll forget, is what you'll do. Whatever it is that happened to you... you'll forget it.
- Hannie Caulder: The hell I will...!
- Thomas Luther Price: I don't know what your troubles are, lady, and I don't give a damn... but whatever it is, you can't solve it with a six-shooter.
- Hannie Caulder: In other words, you won't help me?
- Thomas Luther Price: Yeah, that's it.
- Thomas Luther Price: [handing Hannie a pair of pants] Here, put them on. You got about as much on underneath that blanket as my horse.
- [Hannie starts to pull them on]
- Thomas Luther Price: My name's Price. Thomas... Luther... Price.
- Hannie Caulder: Mine's Mrs... . mine's Hannie. Caulder.
- Thomas Luther Price: All right. Then let's get goin', Hannie Caulder.
- Hannie Caulder: Where to?
- Thomas Luther Price: Mexico. There's a... gunmaker there.
- Hannie Caulder: Gunmaker?
- Thomas Luther Price: Well, I can't very well teach you to shoot without one, can I?
- Thomas Luther Price: A man ought to leave something else behind him, besides headstones. So should a woman.
- Thomas Luther Price: You don't mind riding double with a dead man?
- [indicating his second horse carrying a dead body]
- Hannie Caulder: I don't mind.
- Rufus Clements: You know, Emmett and me's real sore about what you did to Frank. He was our brother, you know, and brothers don't grow on no God damn trees, so I'll tell ya what we're gonna do now. You and me and Emmett gonna have a little party for old time's sake. And then we're gonna separate your head from the rest of ya! Well, come on, Sugar! Move your ass!
- Sheriff Lee: You know, you'd be doin' me a big favor, Miss Caulder, if you'd just git yourself right the hell outta my town before some innocent people get caught in your crossfire.
- Hannie Caulder: I wonder why you didn't say the same to the Clements?
- Sheriff Lee: They weren't bothering nobody, they were just ridin' around bein' wanted. You're shootin' the hell outta the place!
- [last lines]
- Thomas Luther Price: [voiceover] Watch his hands. Watch his eyes. Remember, you're a target, too. Pick your spot. Ready, Hannie, get ready. Now!
- [Hannie shoots]
- Thomas Luther Price: Again, Hannie, again!
- [Hannie fires her gun twice more]
- Thomas Luther Price: Win or lose, you lose, Hannie Caulder.
- Thomas Luther Price: [teaching Hannie to deal with multiple adversaries] Now, there's a feller over here on your left, lookin' mean. Standing tall in the sun. He's got his thumbs hooked in his gunbelt, legs wide apart, hat tipped back. Over on your right is a fellow who's face you can't see. His hat's over his eyes, he's turned away from you , looks like he doesn't even notice you. Now, you gotta *** both of 'em. It would behoove you to *** the fastest one first. Up to it.
- Thomas Luther Price: [Hannie thinks for a moment, draws and shoots the target to the side] Here.
- [thumps his chest]
- Thomas Luther Price: Right here. Let's keep working.
- Hannie Caulder: Get up! Strap it on!
- Frank Clemens: Can I put my pants on?
- Hannie Caulder: You're not gonna need them for long.
- Frank Clemens: What the hell's this all about?
- Hannie Caulder: I'm gonna *** ya.
- Frank Clemens: Hmmm, hmmm, ha, ha, ha
- Bailey: Fine looking woman.
- Thomas Luther Price: She wants to be a man.
- Bailey: She'll never make it.
- Thomas Luther Price: No, not likely.
- Bailey: For which let us thank God.
- Emmett Clements: [shouting] Come on, get on your horse!
- Rufus Clements: Well, I can't find him.
- Emmett Clements: What do you mean you can't find him? How can you lose anything as big as a horse?
- Rufus Clements: Because you're sittin' on him, you son of a bitch!
- [raises his gun]
- Rufus Clements: Climb down off my horse before I blow your Goddamn head off!
- Thomas Luther Price: If I was to teach you the gun, you'd then go out and get your ass blowed off.
- Hannie Caulder: It's my ass.
- Thomas Luther Price: Shame to get it shot full o' holes. It's as pretty a one as I ever laid eyes on.
- Hannie Caulder: If you're lucky, you'll lay more than that.
- Frank Clemens: [as Emmett goes into a tirade] Somethin' wrong, Em?
- Emmett Clements: [shouting] Wrong?
- Rufus Clements: Hell, yes, there is!
- Emmett Clements: Shut the hell up, Rufus! I'll tell ya what the hell's wrong: we pulled four jobs in two weeks and we're stoney ass broke. Starvin'!
- Frank Clemens: Well, we still got some coffee, three horses we can eat.
- Rufus Clements: You touch one hair of my animal...
- Frank Clemens: I wouldn't touch nothin' that's been between your legs.
- Rufus Clements: Well, what about the little gal down in Sonora Town?
- Frank Clemens: You didn't jump her bones, and you know it.
- Rufus Clements: Did so. Didn't I, Em?
- Emmett Clements: How the hell would I know?
- Rufus Clements: You remember that night that I come in all smellin' like a lily?
- Emmett Clements: That don't prove nothin'!
- Rufus Clements: Are you callin' me a liar?
- [no answer]
- Rufus Clements: He's calling me a liar!
- Emmett Clements: Well, you are!
- Rufus Clements: You name one time I didn't tell the truth!
- Emmett Clements: When you said there was no shotgun drivin' that stagecoach we was tryin' to rob, that's when!
- Frank Clemens: Damn, you got us all shot!
- Emmett Clements: Yeah!
- Rufus Clements: But that was a mistake, not a lie!
- Hannie Caulder: They're gonna get what they deserve.
- Thomas Luther Price: Well, you're not. Win or lose, you lose.
- Thomas Luther Price: [Hannie has shot a Mexican but he keeps coming] Again, Hannie!
- [she hesitates]
- Thomas Luther Price: Again, Hannie!
- [Price shoots him down in her stead]
- Emmett Clements: I got a plan.
- Frank Clemens: What are we gonna do, starve them out?
- Rufus Clements: That is a good idea.
- Emmett Clements: Shut up! We're moving out.
- Frank Clemens: That's the plan?
- Emmett Clements: That's right.
- Rufus Clements: What do we do after we move out?
- Emmett Clements: We just keep moving. It's called staying alive!
- Rufus Clements: [sees Hannie in the kitchen after killing her husband] Look what we got for supper. Frank! Emmett! You got any whiskey, lady? Whiskey?
- Thomas Luther Price: Name's Bailey. Nobody knows why he settled in Mexico. First set up shop in New Orleans. When the war come, he switched over to making guns for the Confederate Army. 'Course, when the North took the town in '63, he had to make himself scarce. The Yankees give you a bad time - unless you was Abe Lincoln or a whore.
- Emmett Clements: Go and find us something to eat.
- Frank Clemens: And cook it.
- Rufus Clements: That's woman's work.
- Emmett Clements: Do as I tell you!
- Hannie Caulder: Why the two triggers?
- Bailey: Just a bit of Bailey magic. Saves using your thumb to cock the hammer.
- Emmett Clements: Shut the hell up, Rufus, I'm trying to think.
- Rufus Clements: With what?
- Emmett Clements: You son of a...
- [kicks Rufus]
- Rufus Clements: It's a joke, Em. Have you lost your damn sense of humor?
- Emmett Clements: I'm gonna lose me a baby brother if that son of a bitch don't close his mouth and keep it closed!
- Bailey: The reason I take such pains with the outside of a gun is because I've always thought death very unattractive. Mean, rotten things. No getting back at it. Least I can do is add a bit of style.
- Thomas Luther Price: I'll say it one more time: give it up, Hannie.
- Hannie Caulder: I can't.
- Thomas Luther Price: You mean you won't.
- Hannie Caulder: I mean I can't!
- Rufus Clements: Frank is right, Emmett. Women cost money.
- Frank Clemens: What the hell would you do with a woman? You got less in your pants than you got in your head.