Gérard Depardieu credited as playing...
- Andre: Are you out of your mind? What the hell were you thinking about?
- Nicole: You're yelling.
- Andre: Of course I'm yelling! My daughter tells some stranger that her father is her, her...
- Nicole: *Lover*!
- Andre: Oh, God! I hate that word. It's so... so graphic. Who else thinks this?
- Nicole: A few of the other people.
- Andre: How many of them?
- Nicole: All of them.
- Andre: All of them! Incroyable! I've been walking around here with you the past few days. They think I'm child molester!
- Nicole: [she starts to cry] You're yelling again.
- Andre: Why... why do you make up such stories?
- Nicole: I don't know. It just comes naturally to me.
- Andre: So it's genetic. Is that it?
- Nicole: Yes. No! I don't know.
- Andre: You have to tell him the truth.
- Nicole: I tried to. Believe me, it's not that easy. I care about him.
- Andre: [he smiles at her] Do you love him?
- Nicole: Yes, I think so. I mean, yes, I do.
- Andre: Has he done anything to you?
- Nicole: No, he hasn't done anything to me. Besides, if I tell him I made all this up, he'll hate me. He'll think I'm some kind of liar.
- Andre: You are.
- Andre: How did it go?
- Nicole: He's very impressed by you. He thinks you're a great guy.
- Andre: [sarcastically] What a relief.
- Nicole: And I told him I'm staying with you.
- Andre: Isn't he jealous?
- Nicole: I told him there's nothing to be jealous of. That there's nothing between us anymore because of... Promise you won't get mad?
- Andre: Why do I get so frightened every time you ask me that?
- Nicole: Because of your heart.
- Andre: My heart? What about my heart?
- Nicole: I told him you were dying.
- Andre: I'm dying now.
- [everyone in the balcony looks at him]
- Nicole: Daddy. I told him I had to stay with you for your final days.
- Andre: *My final days*? What's the matter with you?
- Nicole: I don't know once I start lying, I can't stop. It's kind of addictive.
- Andre: What I'm dying of?
- Nicole: A rare disease you caught in Africa.
- Andre: When was I in Africa?
- Nicole: During the Hundred Years War.
- Andre: The Hundred Years War was in the Middle Ages, in Europe!
- Nicole: He didn't seem to notice.
- Andre: Why not the Crusades?
- [Nicole rolls her eyes at him]
- [Nicole stands up, wearing a thong bathing suit]
- Andre: What - what's that?
- Nicole: What's the matter?
- Andre: What are you wearing?
- Nicole: My bathing suit!
- Andre: The whole thing?
- Nicole: What, you don't like it?
- Andre: Are you sure you didn't leave part of it in the box?
- Nicole: Get real, Andre. Everybody's wearing them.
- Andre: Everyone's staring at you!
- Nicole: No, everyone's staring at you.
- Andre: I insist you change!
- Nicole: And I insist you loosen up, Andre, dear.
- [Kisses him on the cheek]
- Stella: Now she's French.
- Nicole: Daddy, can I talk to you about something?
- Andre: Of course. You can talk to me about anything.
- Nicole: Anything?
- Andre: Anything at all. What is it? Tell me.
- Nicole: Promise not to yell.
- Andre: I promise. Now tell me.
- Nicole: It's really not that bad.
- Andre: Tell me.
- Nicole: You said you wouldn't yell.
- Andre: That was not yelling, trust me.
- Nicole: I told Ben you weren't my father.
- Andre: Why?
- Nicole: Because I wanted to impress him.
- Andre: What did you tell him I was? A famous pianist? A wirter? What?
- Nicole: [she takes a deep breath] I told him you were my lover.
- Andre: Are you serious?
- Nicole: Yes.