This film essentially begins with an assassination attempt on the leader of the yakuza organization known as the Iriezaki Clan by three members of the rival Toyu Clan. Although the attack fails, the leader "Matsunaga" (Michitaro Mizushima) is charged with *** and sent to prison for 7 years. Recognizing an opportunity when he sees one, "Kenwachi" (Fujio Suga) the head of the Toyu Clan, decides to send his goons into Iriezaki Clan territory and take over the entire area. It's during this time that an unaffiliated yakuza gangster by the name of "Goro Fujikawa" (Tetsuya Watari) just happens to walk into town and notices a young elevator woman named "Yumiko Asano" (Chieko Matsubara) being hassled by several members of the Toyo Clan. Fortunately for the young hoodlums involved, a veteran gangster recognizes Goro and warns them to back off. Yet, even though Goro has no intention of getting involved in a war between the two rival clans, events transpire that eventually draws him into the conflict--with devastating consequences for everyone involved. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, although it followed the same patterns as its predecessors, it still had a few twists and turns to keep things interesting. Likewise, Tetsuya Watari performed in his usual solid manner as did Chieko Matsubara as well. In short, although this last addition to the Outlaw-Gangster series isn't necessarily the best of the bunch, it was good enough for the time spent and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.