Robin Wright credited as playing...
Phoebe Torrence
- Phoebe: Ask if she's seen any of "Sorry, Haters". It's my biggest hit. It's about how rich and famous people spend their money on the most ungodly cars and houses and diamond-studded scooters, just so everyone who can't get that stuff feels like nobodies.
- Phoebe: He got my daughter and the house and a nice fat allowance to share with his little yellow Yoko.
- Phoebe: Don't get me involved and then expect me to just roll over because some Jew-boy doesn't want to do his job. Ashade, you hate Americans don't you?
- Phoebe: There's not a soul alive that gives a hoot about me, except my dog. So I think maybe all I can say is that I just... I hate me.
- Phoebe: It's just, that day I wasn't a failure, okay? I was not a nobody. I wasn't powerless because everyone was powerless. Everybody. I just wanted that day back. I just wanted it back.