Wow. This movie really touches your heart in a profound way. It makes you think about how we as human beings treat each other, and about what really matters in life.
We've all heard about the apartheid that took place in South Africa a few decades ago and how Nelson Mandela fought for freedom for the black people. This movie gives a somewhat different perspective being from a prison guards point of view during the almost three decades that he worked around Mandela. He goes into it with the opinion that Mandela is a dangerous ***, but during the years to come we get to follow the incredible journey of this man while he seeks the truth and challenges his preconceptions. This is truly inspiring to see.
Also, the actors are amazing in their roles, which contributes a lot to making this movie as good and believable as it is. I especially like Dennis Haysbert as Nelson Mandela. He feels perfect for this part as he manages to really bring out the charisma and strength of his character. When I see him even in the beginning of the movie I could feel from the performance made by Haysbert that this man could change the world. I like Joseph Fiennes from before, and he too makes an outstanding performance as the prison guard.