Sam Waterston credited as playing...
Interim DA Jack McCoy
- Michael Cutter: The First Amendment is not a license to be reckless.
- D.A. Jack McCoy: But it is the First Amendment. The next time you decide to charge a member of the press with a felony, call me.
- Michael Cutter: Look, sacred cows are for barbecuing, Jack. You may have had Woodward and Bernstein, but I grew up with Geraldo and then Judith Miller. I mean, reporters, they're just more clowns to the circus now.
- D.A. Jack McCoy: A fine sentiment. I hope you have an actual legal theory to back it up, because simple negligence won't get you there unless you can prove malice.
- Michael Cutter: [his phone chirps] Jack, it's Rubirosa. Nolan just filed for a motion to dismiss. What do you want me to do?
- D.A. Jack McCoy: Duffy. Look that one up in your gadget.