This is not even a film but a catalogue of a travel agency and a children's colouring book. It has basically no plot, the script is merely a collection of keywords like friendship, growing up, heritage, patriotism; poured down with a lot of kitsch, ending up in something that seems like dialogue but without any emotions, subtlety or any aspiration to character arcs. The overall style is either very cheesy or too obviously effortful to be funny-ish. The characters - or I would call them illustrations - have no dimensions, they're so full of cliches that they are nothing more than illustrations of real life people of Hungary, or any other country. The creators seemingly disdain the audience so much that they don't even try to write a single person who is a little bit more than a millboard figure or a caricature. Almost unwatchable, very badly paced, and silly white trash material - a mashup of a feature-length travel ad of the Balatonfelvidek and some ***-patriotic ideological layman's guide.
Don't recommend this to anyone, it's a waste of time.