Nicolas Cage credited as playing...
Hank Forrester
- Edward Snowden: So, you're, um, an engineer?
- Hank Forrester: Am I an engineer? Instructor and counselor, too. I'm supposed to keep an eye on you CTs, make sure you don't buckle under the pressure. Turn to *** and booze.
- Edward Snowden: Well, you won't have that problem with me. I don't drink or do ***.
- Hank Forrester: What is your sin of choice?
- Edward Snowden: Uh, computers.
- Hank Forrester: Well, then, Snowden, you've come to the right little whorehouse.
- Hank Forrester: [about the Cray-1] The first supercomputer. You can get all of this on a cell phone now.
- Hank Forrester: You would think intelligence would count for something in the intelligence business. Right. But you wanna know what it really is? What really sets the agenda? Military industrial happiness management. You keep the coffers open in Congress, you keep the money flowing to the contractors.