First of all i wanna say is that movie will give you some thoughts, thats guaranteed. There is a timeline or timeshifts two years back and two forth that will confuse you (saying: wth is happening?), and some very realistic and graphic scenes that will haunt you for days. why, i cant explain. I love idea to brighten everybody about the nature of criminal gangers cruelty and police corruption, and making sense about human overall. Thats pretty well displayed. Actors are really good, make you feel like you are seeing live shooting, what i havent seen really long time in a movie. But the bigger thing was that i didnt understand that in directors eyes was this *** and corruption a problem or did he agreed with it. Or this is just currenrt situation. In the scale of: left me too many questions vs too many answers i give 8/10. There is nothing funny in this movie. Really sad and realistic.