सामग्री प जा

उपयोगकर्ता अवरुद्ध छै

Your IP address is in a range that has been blocked on all Wikimedia Foundation wikis.

The block was made by ‪metawiki>Jon Kolbert‬. The reason given is Open proxy/Webhost: See the help page if you are affected .

  • Start of block: ०२:५१, १४ नवंबर २०२३
  • Expiry of block: ०२:५१, १४ नवंबर २०२६

Your current IP address is 2a01:7e00::f03c:95ff:feed:9834. The blocked range is ‪2A01:7E00:0:0:0:0:0:0/30‬.

कृपया अपनौ कोय्यो प्रश्न मँ उपरोक्त सब्भे विवरण क शामिल करौ। If you believe you were blocked by mistake, you can find additional information and instructions in the Stewards Block Wizard.

मुख्य पृष्ठ ल लौटौ