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ملف:TJ diram 2011 rev.png

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هذا ملف من ويكيميديا كومنز
من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعة الحرة

TJ_diram_2011_rev.png (162 × 161 بكسل حجم الملف: 64 كيلوبايت، نوع MIME: image/png)

Русский: Реверс дирамов Таджикистана 2011 года
English: Reverse side of dirams
Русский: Национальный банк Таджикистана
English: National Bank of Tajikistan
Тоҷикӣ: Бонки миллии Тоҷикистон
Русский: Национальный банк Таджикистана
English: National Bank of Tajikistan
Тоҷикӣ: Бонки миллии Тоҷикистон
(إعادة استخدام هذا الملف)
Public domain This work is not an object of copyright according to the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan No. 726 of November 13, 1998 on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights.

Article 5. Object of Copyright. General Provisions

Copyright shall not apply to ideas, methods, processes, systems, means, concepts, principles, discoveries, and facts.

Article 7. Works that are not Objects of Copyright

Shall not be objects of copyright:
  1. formal documents (laws, court decisions, other texts of legislative, administrative or judicial nature), and also their official translations;
  2. state symbols and signs (flags, coats of arms, insignia, banknotes and so on);
  3. communications concerning events and facts that have informational character;
  4. works of folk arts.

Full text of the Law: in Russian, in English.

Comment: according to interstate and international compacts Tajikistan is the legal successor of the Tajik Soviet Socialist Republic, therefore this license tag is also applicable to official symbols and formal documents of the Tajik SSR.
Warning: this license tag cannot be applied to proposed official symbols and drafts of the formal documents, which can be copyrighted.

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زمن/تاريخصورة مصغرةالأبعادمستخدمتعليق
حالي14:39، 4 فبراير 2013تصغير للنسخة بتاريخ 14:39، 4 فبراير 2013162 × 161 (64 كيلوبايت)Tigran Mitr am{{Information |Description = {{ru|Реверс дирамов Таджикистана 2011 года}}{{en|Reverse side of dirams}} |Source = {{ru|Национальный банк Таджикистана}}{{en|National Bank of Tajikistan}}{{tg...

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