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توکیو هتل

ویکی‌پدیادان، آچیق بیلیک‌لیک‌دن
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Tokio Hotel
Tokio Hotel, 2010. L-R: Georg Listing, Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, and Gustav Schäfer
Tokio Hotel, 2010. L-R: Georg Listing, Bill Kaulitz, Tom Kaulitz, and Gustav Schäfer
عومومی معلوماتلار
کؤکMagdeburg, Germany
چالیشما ایللری2001–present
موزیک شیرکتی

توکیو هتل (اینگیلیسجه: Tokio Hotel) موسیقیچی - چئشیتلی موسیقی ژانرلاریندا اثرلر یارادیب.


  1. ^ Elke Buhr for Frankfurter Rundschau. "As if" eroticism. February 22, 2007. English translation by Sign and Sight.com

    Straightforward pop-rock with catchy melodies and a well-calculated mix of stolen Metallica riffs and romantic ballad elements. Everything is played on the safe side, and the production is technically perfect.

  2. ^ Tokio Hotel: The Latest German Export. ABCNews (2008-08-27).
  3. ^ Sanneh, Kalefa (February 20, 2008). "A Wild Welcome to a German Teen-Rock Band". The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/20/arts/music/20toki.html. Retrieved November 22, 2012.
  4. ^ ۴٫۰ ۴٫۱ Tokio Hotel Scream. آل‌میوزیک.
  5. ^ Tokio Hotel guitarist Tom Kaulitz admits to popping Viagra – and overdosing on it. NY Daily News (2010-05-14). Retrieved on 2012-07-04.
  6. ^ Album Review: “Kings of Suburbia” by Tokio Hotel Archived 2020-10-09 at the Wayback Machine.. MEADE >> >> Album Review (2014).
  7. ^ قایناق خطاسی برچسب <ref> نامعتبر؛ متنی برای ارجاع‌های با نام Tokio Hotel Room 483 وارد نشده است

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