Category:Caesarean section
surgical procedure in which a baby is delivered through a mother's abdomen | |||||
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Ova kategorija ima sljedeće 4 potkategorije, od ukupno 4.
Stranice u kategoriji »Caesarean section«
Ova kategorija sadržava samo sljedeću stranicu.
Mediji u kategoriji »Caesarean section«
Prikazane su 74 datoteke u ovoj kategoriji, od njih ukupno 74.
De-Kaiserschnitt.ogg 1,7 s; 17 KB
De-Schnittentbindung.ogg 2,0 s; 20 KB
1934년 윤치왕, 제왕절개 시술.jpg 160 × 100; 11 KB
Anterior wall of uterus.JPG 3472 × 2604; 882 KB
The new Caesarean section - with reports of three successful cases (IA b22461802).pdf 895 × 1537, 22 stranice; 926 KB
BBB cicatrice césarienne.jpg 2448 × 3264; 3,36 MB
Birth of Rustem by Caesarian section Wellcome L0004083.jpg 1047 × 1674; 757 KB
Blausen 0223 CesareanDelivery.png 1600 × 1200; 915 KB
C-sec suture.jpg 1249 × 661; 175 KB
C-section.jpg 455 × 632; 72 KB
Caesarean methods (8612614099).jpg 2280 × 3288; 1,31 MB
Caesarean section - fully healed scar (cropped).png 901 × 333; 320 KB
Caesarean section - fully healed scar.jpg 1064 × 800; 250 KB
Caesarean section - The moment of birth.jpg 2592 × 3872; 3,35 MB
Caesarean section operation -cutting the umbilical cord-8Feb2011.jpg 4416 × 3312; 3,55 MB
Caesarean section surgery at Futsukaichi Sanatorium.JPG 2500 × 2494; 1,19 MB
Caesarean Section-I.JPG 3072 × 2304; 2,53 MB
Caesarean Section-II.JPG 3072 × 2304; 2,52 MB
Caesarean Section-III.JPG 3072 × 2304; 2,54 MB
Caesarean Section-IV.JPG 3072 × 2304; 2,56 MB
Caesarian baby.JPG 3472 × 2604; 1,5 MB
Caesarian birth.jpg 600 × 800; 87 KB
Caesarian newborn.JPG 3239 × 2604; 490 KB
Caesarian section - Pull out.jpg 1600 × 1215; 333 KB
Caesarian section, 2011.jpg 1600 × 1200; 164 KB
Caesarian shown close.jpg 1024 × 768; 423 KB
Caesarian shown cropped.jpg 412 × 569; 48 KB
Caesarian shown.jpg 1024 × 768; 421 KB
Caesarian.jpg 1484 × 1112; 137 KB
Caeser baby extraction.jpg 2592 × 1944; 782 KB
Cesarea.jpg 2288 × 1712; 661 KB
Cesarean section scar and linea nigra.JPG 2328 × 2792; 1,13 MB
Cesarean section.jpg 5376 × 3024; 3,87 MB
Cesarean Surgery at birth.jpg 806 × 1199; 190 KB
Cesarean Surgery at the moment of birth.jpg 640 × 952; 129 KB
Cesarean team.JPG 3472 × 2604; 1,62 MB
CesareasHorizontalyVertical.jpg 606 × 388; 52 KB
Cesareo.svg 1500 × 2308; 11 KB
Cesarian the moment of birth.jpg 2608 × 3880; 4,36 MB
Cesarian the moment of birth3.jpg 2608 × 3880; 2,46 MB
CESÁREA ESTETICA !!! ASI QUEDA.webm 1 min 1 s, 3840 × 2160; 200 MB
Cesárea y reparación del útero.webm 2 min 28 s, 3840 × 2160; 432,56 MB
Chicago Tribune Mon Apr 4 1927 page 46.jpg 6719 × 8216; 9,45 MB
Childbirth edited.jpg 2592 × 1776; 1,62 MB
ChildBirth.jpg 2592 × 1781; 776 KB
Childbirth.jpg 480 × 314; 23 KB
Difficult Caesarean Sections.webm 28 min 59 s, 1280 × 720; 480,63 MB
Emergency Cesarean Section.jpg 3264 × 1836; 813 KB
Entanglement of cord in twins.jpg 2048 × 1536; 600 KB
First Breath.jpg 3072 × 2048; 1,6 MB
Gráfico 3 - frequência de pontos.png 699 × 444; 62 KB
Hysterotomy-in-Finland-1972.jpg 1920 × 2095; 365 KB
Indiana Caesarean section marker.png 2000 × 1200; 4,62 MB
Infant's head emerging during C-section.jpg 7490 × 4996; 5,46 MB
Intra-abdominal fetus being delivered.png 489 × 454; 591 KB
Maygrier, birth techniques. Wellcome L0013505.jpg 1624 × 1176; 494 KB
Modo de hacer la operación cesárea.pdf 1370 × 1983, 24 stranice; 2,13 MB
Médica detalha causas do alto número de cesarianas no Brasil.webm 1 min 53 s, 1920 × 1080; 35,62 MB
Nouveau né apres une césarienne.png 1139 × 639; 1,34 MB
Primitive Knife used for Caesarian Section Wellcome L0005761.jpg 1022 × 1828; 534 KB
Sutura del utero.JPG 3472 × 2604; 1,65 MB
Suturing uterus.JPG 3472 × 2604; 1,68 MB
US Navy doctors deliver a healthy baby -b.jpg 1050 × 750; 110 KB
US Navy doctors deliver a healthy baby.jpg 1050 × 750; 130 KB
US Navy nurse prepares a mom for a C-section.jpg 750 × 1050; 100 KB
ÚTERO después de que nace el bebé.webm 2 min 26 s, 3840 × 2160; 402,11 MB
Ропотан А Г під час операції кесаревого розтину.jpg 2000 × 3000; 3,65 MB