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Ĉi tiu kategorio havas la 15 jenajn subkategoriojn, el 15 entute.
Dosieroj en kategorio “Conflict”
La jenaj 77 dosieroj estas en ĉi tiu kategorio, el 77 entute.
British Embassy in Berlin (14397138714).jpg 5 184 × 3 456; 2,45 MB
Burglars at the store.jpg 322 × 500; 82 KB
Business-conflict.jpg 1 920 × 1 739; 214 KB
Cachmire.png 450 × 400; 47 KB
Carbonero Mex. (27786671261).jpg 1 000 × 648; 593 KB
Cat fight on the roof.jpg 6 000 × 4 000; 6,22 MB
Conflict - The Noun Project.svg 512 × 506; 535 bajtoj
Conflict resolution flow on Italian Wikipedia.jpg 2 565 × 1 559; 263 KB
Conflict Styles.png 1 259 × 700; 78 KB
ConflictNonviolent.png 270 × 193; 11 KB
ConflictStart.png 267 × 265; 8 KB
ConflictViolent.png 286 × 266; 11 KB
Continuum .jpg 632 × 445; 35 KB
Countering the Balkanization of the Body Politic.pdf 1 500 × 843, 4 paĝoj; 85 KB
Death rate from conflict and terrorism, 1990 to 2019.png 3 400 × 2 400; 374 KB
DEUDA2 web - Noche y Niebla - Ejecuciones Extrajudiciales.pdf 0 × 0; 24,47 MB
Diego Rivera mural.jpg 1 768 × 1 811; 434 KB
Discount and Revenge Cycle.jpg 3 639 × 2 125; 688 KB
EDC Example.jpg 1 024 × 577; 130 KB
Face Off.jpg 3 008 × 2 000; 1 024 KB
Foreign Office (14397138104).jpg 600 × 450; 35 KB
Getting markets working again in Gulu (6721493423).jpg 3 888 × 2 592; 1,63 MB
Getting UK aid to those who need it most (8511071806).jpg 4 928 × 3 264; 3,54 MB
- zwei Personas im Raum.svg 512 × 240; 20 KB
HSRP Logo.png 132 × 60; 8 KB
In a second david was on him.jpg 336 × 500; 79 KB
Inner Reservation demo in New Delhi.JPG 3 008 × 2 000; 2,57 MB
J&K State Forces.jpg 1 115 × 1 371; 473 KB
John Charlton - Feindliche Mächte, 1902.jpg 1 600 × 1 197; 530 KB
Konflikt1.png 800 × 275; 55 KB
Konfliktinterventionen.png 539 × 533; 155 KB
Locked antlers.jpg 2 448 × 3 264; 1,24 MB
Me versus them.png 220 × 212; 2 KB
Media in the Syrian conflict.webm 34 min 6 s, 640 × 360; 465,35 MB
Media literacy to counter political polarization per Ahmed Al-Rawi.webm 31 min 39 s, 1 832 × 982; 468,61 MB
Mics LOGO.jpg 3 181 × 1 569; 459 KB
Millenium Mills (14375104776).jpg 600 × 399; 28 KB
NancyOpeGrahamInnocence.png 1 341 × 1 217; 1,93 MB
Noun bipolar 1325500.svg 512 × 512; 4 KB
Noun Conflict 1325494.svg 512 × 512; 3 KB
Opting out of war.jpg 2 777 × 2 444; 932 KB
Ossetian-Ingush Conflict.png 1 000 × 1 089; 134 KB
Outcomes of insurgencies that ended between WW II and 2016.svg 495 × 225; 30 KB
Point of attack on 4 J&K State Forces.jpg 1 115 × 1 371; 469 KB
Procession for inner reservation.JPG 3 008 × 2 000; 1,33 MB
Protest manual scavening.JPG 2 240 × 1 488; 1,33 MB
Queen-dominance-and-worker-policing-control-reproduction-in-a-threatened-ant-1472-6785-11-21-S1.ogv 7,6 s, 312 × 240; 573 KB
Rally in Newcastle West End (6466497377).jpg 4 000 × 4 324; 5,74 MB
Schrifterlass Antiqua1941.gif 795 × 1 270; 31 KB
Skanderbeg disembarking with his troops in Italy.png 494 × 356; 486 KB
Snow Cricket.jpg 5 184 × 3 456; 10,45 MB
Snímek obrazovky 2022-12-05 224809.png 1 353 × 598; 34 KB
Spirited Conflict (1859) by Albert Pasini.jpg 3 795 × 2 461; 2,68 MB
Starry Lee occupying the committee chair in HK LegCo, 8 May 2020.jpg 900 × 900; 172 KB
Storming the barricade.jpg 325 × 500; 91 KB
TekumzeolaBergkarabachauseinandersetzung.png 595 × 387; 67 KB
The brute spring full at david.jpg 325 × 500; 68 KB
THEY ALSO HAVE FEELINGS.jpg 1 200 × 1 600; 443 KB
Thomas Kilmann conflict mode instrument.svg 744 × 1 052; 19 KB
Trust and Confidence.png 1 947 × 1 930; 272 KB
Twin01cloth.jpg 436 × 298; 24 KB
Types of agents' conflicts in a grid environment.png 856 × 234; 57 KB
Typical Parenting Order 0001.jpg 1 224 × 1 583; 371 KB
Who is She.png 2 208 × 1 242; 10,82 MB
Wikimedia reducing conflict.pdf 1 500 × 843, 25 paĝoj; 681 KB
Wikimedia Saving Civilization.pdf 1 652 × 929, 24 paĝoj; 574 KB
Спор.JPG 4 272 × 2 848; 2,41 MB
صراع الناس.png 3 305 × 1 030; 5,95 MB