English: Futurism was an artistic and social movement that originated in Italy in the early 20th century. It emphasized and glorified themes associated with contemporary concepts of the future, including speed, technology, youth and ***, and objects such as the car, the airplane and the industrial city. It was largely an Italian phenomenon, though there were parallel movements in Russia, England and elsewhere. The Futurists practiced in every medium of art, including painting, sculpture, ceramics, graphic design, industrial design, interior design, theatre, film, fashion, textiles, literature, music, architecture and even gastronomy. Key figures of the movement include the Italians Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carrà, Gino Severini, Giacomo Balla, Antonio Sant'Elia, Tullio Crali and Luigi Russolo, and the Russians Natalia Goncharova, Velimir Khlebnikov, and Vladimir Mayakovsky, as well as the Portuguese Almada Negreiros. Important works include its seminal piece of the literature, Marinetti's Manifesto of Futurism, as well as Boccioni's sculpture, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, and Balla's painting, Abstract Speed + Sound (pictured). Futurism influenced art movements such as Art Deco, Constructivism, Surrealism, Dada, and to a greater degree, Precisionism, Rayonism, and Vorticism.
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Questa categoria contiene le 30 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 30.
- Aeropittura (3 F)
- BÏF§ZF+18 (empty)
- Capitol Records Building (36 F)
- Intonarumori (9 F)
- Lacerba (11 F)
- Futurist Manifesti (12 F)
- Ion Vinea (12 F)
- Visioni simultanee, 1912 (2 F)
Pagine nella categoria "Futurism"
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File nella categoria "Futurism"
Questa categoria contiene 114 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 114.
(20250214) Berlin 13.jpg 4 096 × 3 072; 2,96 MB
0x69726875326bbc0ccadecfb65bf26bc461c3f377.jpg 500 × 504; 115 KB
A Population pollution.jpg 3 564 × 2 218; 3,65 MB
Advent of the Mechanical Man.png 2 687 × 2 050; 6,61 MB
Anarchist Galli postcard.jpg 800 × 515; 89 KB
Arrigo finzi, centrotavola futurismo, 1919, argento e base in ebano 01.jpg 3 076 × 1 001; 1,86 MB
Arrigo finzi, centrotavola futurismo, 1919, argento e base in ebano 02.jpg 2 920 × 1 232; 1,24 MB
Art WIll Not Save The World.jpg 3 194 × 4 791; 730 KB
Bogomazov-tram-s-1914.jpg 219 × 425; 30 KB
Campari Soda.jpg 1 920 × 2 560; 1,24 MB
Carlo carrà, guerrapittura (sintesi futurista della guerra), 1915 ca. (fondaz. cirulli).jpg 5 190 × 2 172; 5,18 MB
Carrà in front of Le Figaro, Paris, 9 February 1912 (cropped).jpg 287 × 322; 59 KB
Casa a gradinata (La Città Nuova) 1914 ART Antonio Sant'Elia 2023 RET WjArendshorst.png 1 565 × 1 935; 4,59 MB
Casa Marinetti.jpg 744 × 591; 294 KB
Ceramic Ukrainian Avant-garde 1930.png 2 992 × 1 920; 7,01 MB
Charles Harrison, “The New Terror,” Daily Express, March 4, 1912.jpg 1 024 × 760; 250 KB
Close-up SpikeArt neutrals by Loulou Damman.jpg 1 440 × 1 794; 390 KB
Commando Jugendstil Solarpunk Platform.jpg 709 × 1 000; 183 KB
DeclarationOfFutuism-EN-1.png 2 386 × 2 323; 6,64 MB
DeclarationOfFutuism-EN-2.png 2 386 × 2 323; 6,98 MB
Depero L'aratura.jpg 4 000 × 3 000; 4,1 MB
Dinamismo di treno nave aer.jpg 300 × 219; 27 KB
Direzione movimento futurista.jpg 356 × 546; 31 KB
El Paral·lel 1894-1939- exhibit at CCCB in Barcelona (168)- Ricard Barradas.JPG 1 936 × 2 592; 2,74 MB
Esposizione libera futurista internazionale 1914 title.png 358 × 499; 233 KB
Everyday Life in 2030.jpg 3 024 × 4 032; 1,8 MB
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's Les mots en liberté futuristes, Milan, 1919.JPG 1 283 × 1 808; 1,05 MB
Filippo Tommaso Marinetti.jpg 474 × 600; 148 KB
Fillia L'Adorazione 1931.jpg 3 474 × 4 612; 4,85 MB
Fortunato Depero - Autoritratto su un albero (1915).jpg 706 × 1 160; 196 KB
Fortunato Depero.jpg 235 × 360; 26 KB
Futurist Party dagger.svg 665 × 1 099; 87 KB
Futuristi italiani 2.jpg 552 × 373; 117 KB
Futuristi italiani.jpg 554 × 384; 94 KB
Futuristi, Russolo Carrà Marinetti Boccioni Severini.jpg 1 908 × 1 252; 1,11 MB
Futuristigruppo.jpg 3 024 × 4 032; 4,69 MB
Gare des Guillemins — Liège - Belgique.jpg 500 × 500; 137 KB
Generated RBG Art - An aspect ratio of the future!.png 2 048 × 8 192; 27,83 MB
Georgy Kuzmin.png 600 × 802; 595 KB
Gessetto futurista.JPG 4 032 × 3 024; 1,17 MB
Giordano Bruno Sanzin.jpg 1 122 × 940; 181 KB
Horațiu Dimitriu - Minuletti il futurista, Clipa, 1925-06-28.png 840 × 1 120; 1,24 MB
Ivanhoe Gambini.jpg 605 × 382; 176 KB
King'sViewsNewYorkCoverDelineatorRichardRummellEd Moses King1911.png 692 × 1 097; 1,61 MB
L'Italia futurista del 1 ottobre 1916, anteprima del film Vita futurista.jpg 662 × 1 000; 221 KB
La musica, Luigi Russolo.jpg 650 × 1 024; 515 KB
La Scintilla diretta da Enzo Mainardi.jpg 400 × 500; 111 KB
Laboratório de música futurista em Milão.tif 8 934 × 6 623; 86,45 MB
LEF journal covers.gif 500 × 320; 85 KB
LOGO INTERDIVUS.PNG 2 645 × 2 645; 2,28 MB
Luigi Russolo - Profumo (1910).jpg 1 700 × 1 699; 481 KB
Luigi Russolo La Rivolta 1911.jpg 1 677 × 1 075; 1,44 MB
Manifesto futurismo Le Figaro.jpg 1 023 × 1 487; 477 KB
ManifestoDelFuturismo-FR-IT-1.png 2 386 × 2 323; 7,12 MB
ManifestoDelFuturismo-FR-IT-2.png 2 386 × 2 323; 7,16 MB
Marinetti - I Manifesti del futurismo, 1914 (page 116 crop).jpg 800 × 703; 53 KB
Marinetti - I Manifesti del futurismo, 1914.djvu 2 088 × 3 021, 192 pagine; 9,73 MB
Marinetti tomba.jpg 400 × 533; 303 KB
Mayakovsky books kruchyonyx stixi.png 509 × 856; 57 KB
METAPHORME.jpg 2 652 × 2 644; 916 KB
Mina Loy Futurismo 1914.png 235 × 328; 90 KB
Moderne - panoramio.jpg 2 048 × 1 510; 621 KB
Museo civico archeologico Arsenio Crespellani abc45.jpg 4 160 × 2 340; 1,01 MB
Muurgedicht Pelikaanstraat Leiden (14674594194).jpg 2 770 × 4 163; 3,94 MB
Night and day 1996.jpg 1 980 × 2 863; 2,04 MB
Niti K. 2017 (Unsplash).jpg 4 782 × 2 690; 2,25 MB
OXIGEN STUDIO PAPER.jpg 3 316 × 2 551; 3,58 MB
Particolare (La Città Nuova) 1914 ART Antonio Sant'Elia 2023 RET WjArendshorst.png 2 210 × 2 270; 6,46 MB
Poesia (IA poesia123unse).pdf 1 427 × 1 247, 408 pagine; 37,35 MB
POLIPHORME.jpg 1 674 × 1 486; 1,19 MB
Psyhetozy.pdf 768 × 1 050; 204 KB
Pushkin in the Futurist Manner by F Chaliapin 1922.jpg 2 387 × 3 524; 447 KB
Res-2750-v 1915-04 0033 est t24-C-R0100.jpg 571 × 743; 79 KB
Rivista Futurismo.jpg 3 024 × 4 032; 4,11 MB
Rocca di Bentivoglio - Sala dei Giganti abc6.jpg 1 196 × 1 748; 1,09 MB
Sackville Gallery Futurism exhibition advert 1912.jpg 748 × 525; 99 KB
Saint-Point - Manifeste de la Femme futuriste, 1912.pdf 1 237 × 1 752, 4 pagine; 692 KB
Sant'Elia, "La città nuova, casa a gradinate su due piani stradali", 1914.jpg 1 415 × 3 536; 2,96 MB
Santa-Rita Revista Orpheu 2 1.jpg 1 021 × 1 299; 310 KB
Santa-Rita Revista Orpheu 2 2.jpg 1 015 × 1 308; 166 KB
Santa-Rita Revista Orpheu 2 3.jpg 1 030 × 1 305; 154 KB
Santa-Rita Revista Orpheu 2 4.jpg 1 029 × 1 312; 166 KB
Santopalato1.jpg 1 246 × 1 837; 1,33 MB
Santopalato2.jpg 1 091 × 1 826; 1,19 MB
Scultura futurista a Milano.JPG 1 944 × 2 592; 1,5 MB
Sintesi Futurista Della Guerra.jpg 3 000 × 1 908; 749 KB
SpikeArt close-up by Loulou Damman.jpg 1 440 × 1 332; 302 KB
Tango w cows by Kamenskii, translation by Eduardo Kac and Sergey Mavrody.jpg 1 227 × 1 800; 235 KB
The Futurists latest comers in the world of art.jpg 3 211 × 4 386; 7,21 MB
The New Crazy Exploding Pictures by Art Anarchists.jpg 4 512 × 5 943; 30,35 MB
The Street Pavers (1914) by Umberto Boccioni.jpg 700 × 700; 465 KB
Tomba Filippo Tommaso Marinetti.JPG 2 304 × 3 456; 3,09 MB
Umberto Boccioni, 1912, Head + House + Light, sculpture destroyed.jpg 617 × 768; 269 KB
Vita futurista, uno dei fotogrammi superstiti 1916.jpg 446 × 480; 49 KB
WORKER AUREO'S DREAM.jpg 2 622 × 2 622; 3,05 MB
Zang-cover.jpg 248 × 350; 25 KB
Футуристы, вперёд! (1).jpg 4 272 × 2 848; 6 MB
Футуристы, вперёд! (2).jpg 4 272 × 2 848; 4,97 MB
زوال.jpg 1 018 × 1 040; 451 KB