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English: Pathé or Pathé Frères (French pronunciation: [pate fʁɛʁ]) is the name of various French businesses founded and originally run by the Pathé Brothers of France.
<nowiki>Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; 百代電影公司; Pathé; Pathé; 파테; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; 百代电影公司; Pathé; پاتەفون; Patefon; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Патефон; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; باثى; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; پتی; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; 百代電影公司; Pathé; Pathé; パテ; Pathé; Pathé; باثى; Pathé; פאתה; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; ปาเต; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; پتی; Pathé; 百代電影公司; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; Pathé; estudio cinematográfico francés; société de production de cinéma française; fransk filmstudio; Wytwórnia filmowa; קבוצת הפקת סרטים וייצור ציוד צרפתית; 1896 елда барлыкка килгән француз киностудия; французская киностудия, основаная в 1896 году; Reihe von Unternehmen; società cinematografica francese (1896); French media production and theater businesses; Frans productie- en theaterbedrijf; francoska skupina podjetij za filmsko in gledališko produkcijo; francúzska filmová produkčná a distribučná spoločnosť; Pathe Freres; Pathé Frères; Pathe; パテ兄弟社; パテー; パテ・フレール; La Société Nouvelle Pathé Cinéma; Pathé Frères; Pathé-Cinéma; Pathé-Exchange; Pathé-Consortium-Cinéma; Pathé Consortium Cinéma; Pathe; Pathé Films; Pathé cinéma; Pathé Cinema; Pathé ; Pathé-Natan; Pathé frères (France); Pathé-Natan; Pathé Frères; Pathé Pictures International; Astral Bellevue Pathé; Pathé Records; Eastern Pathe Company; Pathé Pictures; Pathé Renn Productions; Pathe; Pathe-Marconi Studios; Pathe Records; Pathé Frères filial; Pathé Films Inc.; Pathe; Pathe Business; Pathé Business; Pathé frères (France); Пате; ปาเต๊ะ; บริษัทปาเต๊ะ; ปาเต แฟรส์; Pathé Frères; Pathé-Frères; Pathé frères (France); Pathé Frères; Pathé Frères; PATHÉ!; Société Pathé Frères; Pathé Brothers Company; Pathe; Pathe Freres; Societe Pathe Freres; Pathe Brothers Company; Pathé frères (France); Pathé Film Corporation; Pathé Exchange; Pathé Frères; Pathè; Pathé-Frères; Pathé frères (France); 百代電影; Pathe</nowiki>
società cinematografica francese (1896)
Carica un file multimediale
Istanza di
Settore di attività
  • Francia
  • Stati Uniti d'America
Sede legale
Forma giuridica
  • société par actions simplifiée
Data di fondazione o creazione
  • 28 settembre 1896
  • 1896
Distinto da
sito web ufficiale
Authority file
Wikidata Q1544011
identificativo ISNI: 0000000122648025
identificativo VIAF: 132314691
identificativo GND: 1088812236, 273420-5
identificativo della Biblioteca del Congresso: n90674532
identificativo BNF: 12270406d
identificativo idRef: 031501346
identificativo NLI: 005051652
identificativo J9U della Biblioteca nazionale israeliana: 987007394094805171
identificativo IMDb: co0022869, co0068747, co0074790, co0039864, co0108804
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Questa categoria contiene le 11 sottocategorie indicate di seguito, su un totale di 11.




File nella categoria "Pathé"

Questa categoria contiene 38 file, indicati di seguito, su un totale di 38.