Who Dies? by (James Keelaghan)
A nephew once asked me when he was quite young Who dies?
I said Everyone dies
No use denying it one day you're done
Oh everyone dies
Princes & paupers there's no one immune
And no one who'll escape their demise
So you'd better make use of each day that you're given
Oh everyone dies
Now people have pondered this time and again
Who dies? Everyone dies
Some suspect that we're more than mere mortal remains
Oh everyone dies
Wise men & prophets they've all had their say
On the nature of afterlives
But since there's no beer there we'll have one more round
Oh everyone dies
Your time may be short or your time may be long Who dies? Everyone dies.
But it's going to happen as sure as you're born
Oh everyone dies
Friends and relations and all we hold dear
Will one day pass to the other side
So we'd better embrace them as long as they're here
Oh everyone dies