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Faidhle:Franz Kafka's signature.svg

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O Uicipeid

Am faidhle tùsail (Faidhle SVG, a-rèir ainm 418 × 118 pixel, meud faidhle: 9 KB)

'S ann à Wikimedia Commons a tha am faidhle seo agus faodaidh gu bheil pròiseactan eile 'ga chleachdadh. Chì thu an tuairisgeul a tha aice air [duilleag tuairisgeul an fhaidhle https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Franz_Kafka%27s_signature.svg] gu h-ìosal.


English: Franz Kafka's Signature
Tùs Own work based on: Franz Kafka's signature.gif
SVG genesis
The source code of this SVG is invalid due to 2 errors.
This W3C-invalid signature was created with unknown tool.


Public domain
This signature is believed to be ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it falls below the required level of originality for copyright protection both in the United States and in the source country (if different). In this case, the source country (e.g. the country of nationality of the signatory) is believed to be A' Ghearmailt.
Note that this tag cannot be used on all signatures, as not all signatures are copyright-free.
See Commons:When to use the PD-signature tag for an explanation of when the tag may be used.

Original upload log

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:Franz Kafka's signature.gif licensed with PD-signature
    • 2008-12-09T17:01:59Z Darldarl 300x77 (4584 Bytes) {{Information |Description={{en|1=Franz Kafka's Signature}} |Source=https://www.projekt-gutenberg.org/autoren/namen/kafka.html |Author=Franz Kafka |Date=c 1913 |Permission={{PD-sign

Uploaded with derivativeFX


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Items portrayed in this file

depicts Beurla

signature Beurla

6 dhen Fhaoilleach 2012

Eachdraidh an fhaidhle

Briog air ceann-là/àm gus am faidhle a shealltainn mar a nochd e aig an àm sin.

làithreach12:39, 6 dhen Fhaoilleach 2012Dealbhag airson an tionndaidh on 12:39, 6 dhen Fhaoilleach 2012418 × 118 (9 KB)Jkwchui== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description={{en|1=Franz Kafka's Signature}} |Source=*File:Franz_Kafka's_signature.gif |Date=2012-01-06 12:39 (UTC) |Author=*File:Franz_Kafka's_signature.gif: {{Creator:Franz Kafka}} *derivative work: ~~~

Tha ceangal ris an fhaidhle seo san duilleag a leanas:

Cleachdadh fhaidhlichean uile-choitcheann

Tha na uicidhean eile a leanas a’ cleachdadh an fhaidhle seo

Seall an corr dhen chleachdadh uile-choitcheann a nithear dhen fhaidhle seo.