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World Obesity Day 2025

New Content Item (1) Join us in marking World Obesity Day 2025! Let's come together to spread awareness and take action!

To commemorate this important day, Editor-in-Chief Jarlei Fiamoncini has curated a list of relevant articles published in Genes & Nutrition, highlighting the latest research and advancements in the field.

For more content from Springer Nature on the topic visit Research communities and search by ‘World Obesity Day’.

Stay informed and join the conversation!

McFarlin, B.K., Tanner, E.A., Hill, D.W. et al. Prebiotic/probiotic supplementation resulted in reduced visceral fat and mRNA expression associated with adipose tissue inflammation, systemic inflammation, and chronic disease risk

Yam, P., VerHague, M., Albright, J. et al. Altered macronutrient composition and genetics influence the complex transcriptional network associated with adiposity in the Collaborative Cross.

Yang, Z., Kirschke, C.P., Cai, Y. et al. A double knockout for zinc transporter 8 and somatostatin in mice reveals their distinct roles in regulation of insulin secretion and obesity.

Announcement: New Editor-in-Chief

New Content Item (1)We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jarlei Fiamoncini from the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of São Paulo, Brazil, will be taking over from Dr. Fabio Virgili and Dr. Lydia Afman as the Editor-in-Chief of Genes & Nutrition, effective January 1, 2025.

Both of our esteemed Editors-in-Chief, Dr. Virgili and Dr. Afman, will be stepping down. Dr. Virgili, one of the journal’s founding editors, has been instrumental in shaping its vision and direction since its inception. We extend our deepest gratitude to both Dr. Virgili and Dr. Afman for their remarkable leadership and invaluable contributions.

As we bid farewell to our current Editors-in-Chief, we are excited to welcome Dr. Fiamoncini as our new Editor-in-Chief. Dr. Fiamoncini brings a fresh perspective and innovative ideas to journal development, along with a strong commitment to maintaining the highest editorial standards.

Call for Papers: Postprandial Physiology

Genes & Nutrition is calling for submissions to our Collection on Postprandial Physiology. This Collection invites papers discussing physiological adaptations observed in the postprandial state and their association with the genetic background or changes in the pattern of gene expression.

Notes on what makes a good peer-review report

New Content Item (1)Recently, some Genes and Nutrition editors took place in a webinar about peer review. In an effort to bring some uniformity to the peer-review process, we have put together this page of suggestions to reviewers with regard to what makes a good peer-review report (pease note- this list represents recommendations not requirements).

Featured content: Publishing with our journal

If you are submitting work to Genes and Nutrition, in addition to reviewing the Submission Guidelines for the relevant article type, we ask that you also read our 2017 Editorial ("Propelling the paradigm shift from reductionism to systems nutrition") on the journal's publication guidelines (and if you are submitting a manuscript related to an epidemiological study, please be sure to review our 2019 Editorial on STROBE-nut, discussing our recommendations and policies).


Thematic series
Alternative models in nutrigenomics
Edited by Uwe Wenzel and Fabio Virgili

Thematic series  
Biomarkers in food and nutrition research
Edited by Lars Ove Dragsted and Giuditta Perozzi

Thematic series
Genes and Nutrition at the crossroad of obesity and metabolic disease
Edited by Alessandro Bartolomucci and Fabio Virgili

Thematic series
Edited by Kendal D. Hirschi
Thematic series  
Systems Nutrition and Health
Edited by Jim Kaput, Martin Kussmann, and Marijana Radonjic

Thematic series

Aims and scope

Genes & Nutrition is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-review journal for research on the relationship between nutrition and genomes, with the ultimate goal of improving human health and performance.

The journal publishes original research articles, reviews, commentaries, opinion pieces, study design papers, and special articles in the format of interviews.

This journal also serves as a forum for nutritionists, healthcare providers, and all those interested in diet and disease prevention or management.

For examples of the specific areas that may be covered by the journal, read more here.

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 3.3
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 3.8
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.644
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.838

    Speed 2024
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 12
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 119

    Usage 2024
    Downloads: 385,961
    Altmetric mentions: 113