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File:Walt Disney Studios Alameda Entrance.jpg

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English: The Alameda Avenue entrance to the Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, California. This was taken just after a major renovation in summer 2016, in which the dated tropical pastels of the gateway arch were replaced with a more conservative orange-and-black color scheme and Mickey Mouse was added to the arch. Photographed on July 11, 2016 by user Coolcaesar.
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Autor Coolcaesar
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Walt Disney Studios Headquarters

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copyrighted anglese

captured with anglese

inception anglese

11 julio 2016

exposure time anglese

0,002 secunda

f-number anglese


focal length anglese

18 millimetro

ISO speed anglese


media type anglese


Historia del file

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actual03:27, 17 februario 2022Miniatura pro le version de 03:27, 17 februario 20223 829 × 2 088 (2,06 MB)SmuckolaCrop out the blank street, and straighten
06:25, 28 octobre 2016Miniatura pro le version de 06:25, 28 octobre 20164 044 × 2 824 (2,52 MB)CoolcaesarUser created page with UploadWizard

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