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Three opportunities to boost implementation science at a critical time of need

In a recent blog, our Associate Editors Bev Holmes and Alison Hamilton discuss implementation science as a field of study, and explore three opportunities to push this field forward at a time of critical need.

Our vision

We believe that the journal will provide a home for many of the more descriptive studies in the burgeoning field of implementation science. The journal will welcome research from a broad range of settings and encourage newcomers in the field, all while maintaining a continued focus on rigor and innovation that our readers expect.

-Anne Sales and Rebecca Armstrong, Founding Editors-in-Chief

Upcoming Sustainable Development Goal Talks Webinar

SDG 3: Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices for Improving Maternal and Neonatal Health

This webinar focuses on strategies for implementing evidence-based practices that will make a real difference to improving maternal and neonatal health, which ties in closely with SDG targets 3.1 and 3.2 in particular.

The webinar will be hosted by Guest Editors of the collection on Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices for Improving Maternal and Neonatal Health, published in Implementation Science and Implementation Science Communications.

Sign up for free online attendance.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025 12:00PM Eastern Time / 4:00 PM Greenwich Mean Time / 5:00 PM Central European Time.

Featured Editorial: Revisiting the scope and expectations of Implementation Science and Implementation Science Communications

This October 2024 editorial updates the scope and submission expectations of Implementation Science and Implementation Science Communications. We refine our protocol publishing policies and set out new expectations for reporting studies describing determinants and their relationship with implementation outcomes.

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We are recruiting!

Implementation Science Communications is recruiting additional Associate Editors. As the growth of the journal continues, we are looking to expand our editorial team. If you have experience in the field of implementation science, we would like to hear from you. Please follow the link below to find out more about the role and apply.

Apply Now!


We’re pleased to share that Implementation Science Communications, which launched in February 2020 as a companion journal to Implementation Science, is accepted for indexing in the Emerging Sources Citation Index, and indexed in PubMed, PMC and Scopus.  

It is due to receive its first Impact Factor from Clarivate in June 2025, and received a first CiteScore from Scopus in June 2024 of 4.2.

Aims and scope

Implementation Science Communications, an official companion journal to Implementation Science, is a forum to publish research to foster the uptake of evidence based practices and policies that affect health care delivery and health outcomes in clinical, organizational, or policy contexts.

Implementation Science Communications is an inclusive, multidisciplinary publication for research on implementation intervention development, process evaluations, economic evaluations, and theory-based studies. A champion of open science and transparent peer review, the journal welcomes all studies across the implementation continuum – from planned implementation to evaluations of implementation efforts and natural experiments to planned de-implementation of practices without clear evidence of benefit.

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Call for papers

Cross-journal collection:
Advancing the Science and Metrics on the Pace of Implementation
Organized by Enola Proctor, Alex Ramsey and Gila Neta

Cross-journal collection:
Generalizing and Context in Implementation Research: Tensions and Opportunities
Guest edited by Whitney Irie, Aaloke Mody and Radhika Sundararajan

View all collections.

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Annual Journal Metrics

Citation Impact 2023
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 0.978
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.831

Speed 2024
Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 22
Submission to acceptance (median days): 172

Usage 2024
Downloads: 779,557
Altmetric mentions: 999

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