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Mynd:The Walt Disney Company Logo.svg

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Upphafleg skrá (SVG-skrá, að nafni til 890 × 135 mynddílar, skráarstærð: 25 KB)

Skrá þessi er af Wikimedia Commons, og deilt meðal annarra verkefna og nýtist því þar. Hér fyrir neðan er afrit af skráarsíðunni þar.


First file vector graphics logo by TutterMouse
institution QS:P195,Q7414
English: Logo for The Walt Disney Company.
Dagsetning 2012

Current File Source: https://ditm-twdc-us.storage.googleapis.com/2015-Annual-Report.pdf

First File Source: http://library.ust.hk/res/highlights/disney.html
Aðrar útgáfur
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This text-logo was extracted with Inkscape-extract.


Public domain
This logo image consists only of simple geometric shapes or text. It does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain. Although it is free of copyright restrictions, this image may still be subject to other restrictions. See WP:PD § Fonts and typefaces or Template talk:PD-textlogo for more information.
Trademarked This work includes material that may be protected as a trademark in some jurisdictions. If you want to use it, you have to ensure that you have the legal right to do so and that you do not infringe any trademark rights. See our general disclaimer.
This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.


Add a one-line explanation of what this file represents
Logo of The Walt Disney Company, 2012-present.

Items portrayed in this file

depicts enska

media type enska


data size enska

25.537 Bæti

checksum enska


Breytingaskrá skjals

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núverandi3. maí 2018 kl. 02:26Smámynd útgáfunnar frá 3. maí 2018, kl. 02:26890 × 135 (25 KB)Alexis JazzReverted to version as of 04:46, 5 February 2016 (UTC)
25. janúar 2017 kl. 21:25Smámynd útgáfunnar frá 25. janúar 2017, kl. 21:25890 × 135 (17 KB)GnashOptimized
5. febrúar 2016 kl. 04:46Smámynd útgáfunnar frá 5. febrúar 2016, kl. 04:46890 × 135 (25 KB)ElisfkcLogo from 2015 Walt Disney Company Annual Report (Page 1) Better source and p ends correctly
11. ágúst 2010 kl. 18:01Smámynd útgáfunnar frá 11. ágúst 2010, kl. 18:01890 × 150 (14 KB)TutterMouse{{Information |Description={{en|1=Logo for The Walt Disney Company {{Trademarked}}}} |Source={{own}} |Author=TutterMouse |Date=2010-08-11 |Permission={{PD-textlogo}} |other_versions= }} Category:Walt Disney Company [[Category:Lo

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