- significant other の略
- Symphony Orchestra の略
- (野球用語)三振。K.
編集- 古英語swā
- ~の目的で
- Eat your broccoli so you can have dessert.
- (前文を理由として受けて、so に続く文を結果として表す)~であるため。~ので。~だから。~する結果。それで~。そして~。そのため~。その結果~。
- 1885年, Mark Twain. "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"[1]
- Well, I couldn’t see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn’t try for it.
- うーん、ぼくには彼女が行っていた場所に行く利点が見いだせないので、それを試すのは止めておくことにした。
- Well, I couldn’t see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn’t try for it.
- 1888年, Oscar Wilde, "The Happy Prince"[2]
- “This broken lead heart will not melt in the furnace. We must throw it away.” So they threw it on a dust-heap where the dead Swallow was also lying.
- 「この壊れた鉛の心臓は炉で溶けないだろう。捨てるしかないな。」それで、彼らはその鉛をゴミ山へ投げ捨てた。そこには、あの死んだツバメも横たわっていた。
- “This broken lead heart will not melt in the furnace. We must throw it away.” So they threw it on a dust-heap where the dead Swallow was also lying.
- 1900年, L. Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"[3]
- The Tin Woodman must build us a raft, so we can float to the other side
- ブリキの木こりが私たちのためにいかだを作ってくれるはずだから、対岸まで浮かんで行くことができる。
- The Tin Woodman must build us a raft, so we can float to the other side
- 1885年, Mark Twain. "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"[1]
- (語義1)in order that, so that
- (語義2)therefore, accordingly, so that
編集so (比較形なし)
- (前述されたことを代名詞的に指して)そう。それを。
- 1885年, Mark Twain. "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"[4]
- Well, I couldn’t see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn’t try for it. But I never said so, because it would only make trouble, and wouldn’t do no good.
- うーん、ぼくには彼女が行っていた場所に行く利点が見いだせないので、それを試すのは止めておくことにした。けれど、ぼくは決してそれを言わなかった。ただ面倒になるだけだし、まったく役に立ちそうになかったからだ。
- Well, I couldn’t see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn’t try for it. But I never said so, because it would only make trouble, and wouldn’t do no good.
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[5]
- They rushed to Mother with the letter, and she also felt proud and said so, and this made the children happier than ever.
- 彼らは手紙を持って母のところへ駆け寄りました。彼女もまた誇りに思い、そう伝えると、子どもたちはこれまでになく幸せな気分になりました。
- They rushed to Mother with the letter, and she also felt proud and said so, and this made the children happier than ever.
- 2020年, Chancellor Rishi Sunak, "Budget Speech 2020"[6]
- This House has always stood ready to come together, put aside party politics, and act in the national interest. We have done so before and I know we will do so again.
- この議会は団結し、党派政治を脇に置いて、国益のために行動する備えをいつも持っていました。我々は今までもそうやって来ましたし、再びそうすることも私は知っています。
- This House has always stood ready to come together, put aside party politics, and act in the national interest. We have done so before and I know we will do so again.
- "I can count backwards from one hundred." "So can I."
- 「100から逆の順番に数を数えられるよ」「僕もできるよ」
- 1885年, Mark Twain. "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"[4]
- (後述に節を伴い、その内容を指して)~するほどに。~であるほどに。~するぐらい。~であるぐらい。とても~で、~ほどである。通例 that を伴うが、省略されることもある。
- 1900年, L. Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"[7]
- But the girl lived with an old woman who did not want her to marry anyone, for she was so lazy she wished the girl to remain with her and do the cooking and the housework.
- しかし、少女は老婆と一緒に住んでおり、その老婆は彼女が誰とも結婚しないことを望んでました。その老婆はとても怠惰で、彼女に一緒に居てもらって料理や家事をやってもらいたかったからです。
- But the girl lived with an old woman who did not want her to marry anyone, for she was so lazy she wished the girl to remain with her and do the cooking and the housework.
- 1915年, John Buchan, "The Thirty-nine Steps"[8]
- My head was swimming so wildly that I could not frame a coherent answer.
- 筋道の通った回答を組み立てることができないほどに、激しく頭がくらくらしていた。
- My head was swimming so wildly that I could not frame a coherent answer.
- 1948年, Ruth Stiles Gannett. "My Father's Dragon"[9]
- Sometimes the trees were clumped so closely together that he couldn't squeeze between them and had to walk a long way around.
- 時折、木々がとても密集しており、彼は間を進むこともできず、遠回りで歩くことを強いられるほどであった。
- Sometimes the trees were clumped so closely together that he couldn't squeeze between them and had to walk a long way around.
- 1900年, L. Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"[7]
- (否定文 so A as B の文型で)BほどAではない。
- 1888年, Oscar Wilde, "The Devoted Friend"[10]
- ‘Ah!’ said the Miller, ‘there is no work so delightful as the work one does for others.’
- 「ああ!」「人が人にしてあげる仕事ほどうれしい仕事はないものだ。」とミラーが言った。
- ‘Ah!’ said the Miller, ‘there is no work so delightful as the work one does for others.’
- 1888年, Oscar Wilde, "The Devoted Friend"[10]
- (前述された様子や目の前の様子を指して)これほど(の程度で)。こんなに。そんなに。
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[11]
- Then when the next train came in and stopped, Bobbie went across the metals of the up-line and stood beside the engine. She had never been so close to an engine before.
- そして、次の列車が入ってきて停車すると、ボビーは上り線の鉄道レールを横断し、機関車のそばに立った。彼女はこれまでにこんなに近くで機関車を見たことはなかった。
- Then when the next train came in and stopped, Bobbie went across the metals of the up-line and stood beside the engine. She had never been so close to an engine before.
- 1911年, Frances Hodgson Burnett, "The Secret Garden"[12]
- She had never seen a child who sat so still without doing anything; and at last she got tired of watching her and began to talk in a brisk, hard voice.
- 彼女は何もせずにこれほど静かに座っている子供を見たことがなかった。ついには、彼女は観察しているのに飽きて、無骨ではきはきした声で話し始めた。
- She had never seen a child who sat so still without doing anything; and at last she got tired of watching her and began to talk in a brisk, hard voice.
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[11]
- 大変。とても。非常に。
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[13]
- We mustn't have fires in June—coal is so dear. If you're cold, go and have a good romp in the attic. That'll warm you.
- 私たちは6月に暖炉を使ってはいけません。石炭は大変高価ですから。もしあなたたちが寒いなら、屋根裏部屋へ行き、たっぷりはしゃぎまわりなさい。そうすれば暖かくなるでしょう。
- We mustn't have fires in June—coal is so dear. If you're cold, go and have a good romp in the attic. That'll warm you.
- 1911年, Frances Hodgson Burnett. "The Secret Garden"[14]
- They both laughed but it was not because the idea was laughable but because they both so liked it.
- 彼らは共に笑ったが、それはその考えが滑稽だったからではなく、彼らは共にその考えがとても好きだったからだ。
- They both laughed but it was not because the idea was laughable but because they both so liked it.
- 2020年, Bryan Lynn, "Scientists Say a Massive Star Has Mysteriously Disappeared"[15]
- But since the galaxy is so far away, researchers have not been able to clearly observe its individual stars.
- しかしその銀河は非常遠く離れているので、研究者たちはそこにある個々の星を明瞭に観察することができなかった。
- But since the galaxy is so far away, researchers have not been able to clearly observe its individual stars.
- 1906年, E. Nesbit, "The Railway Children"[13]
- この程度
- I need a piece of cloth so long.
- このように
- Place the napkin on the table just so.
- (スラング) 大変に(= very much).
- But I so want to see the Queen when she visits our town!
- That is so not true!
編集so (比較形なし)
- そう、そのとおりである
- That is so.
- You are responsible for this, is that not so?
- (英国婉曲的スラング)「そっち系」などの表現に相当し、「同性愛の」を意味する
- Is he so?
編集- 語義1: correct, right, true
- 語義2: musical, one of the family, one of them, that way inclined
- 新しい話題や質問を述べる前に使う言葉。ところで。それで。それでは。それじゃあ。
- 1900年, L. Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"[16]
- So, if you will allow me to join your party, I will also go to the Emerald City and ask Oz to help me.
- それでは、私を君たちの仲間に加えてもらえたら、私もエメラルドシティへ行き、オズに助けを求めよう。
- So, if you will allow me to join your party, I will also go to the Emerald City and ask Oz to help me.
- 1900年, L. Frank Baum, "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz"[16]
編集- ↑ Mark Twain. "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". 1885. Charles L. Webster and Company. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: August 20, 2006. Last updated: May 25, 2018. )
- ↑ Oscar Wilde. "The Happy Prince and Other Tales". March 1910. Seventh Impression. London. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: March 29, 2015.
- ↑ L. Frank Baum. "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". 1900. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: February, 1993. Most recently updated: October 19, 2020.
- ↑ Mark Twain. "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn". 1885. Charles L. Webster and Company. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: August 20, 2006. Last updated: May 25, 2018. )
- ↑ E. Nesbit. "The Railway Children". 1906. (Project Gutenberg. Last Updated: March 9, 2018.
- ↑ Chancellor Rishi Sunak. "Budget Speech 2020". Published 11 March 2020. under Open Government Licence v3.0 2021年12月19日参照
- ↑ L. Frank Baum. "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". 1900. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: February, 1993. Most recently updated: October 19, 2020.
- ↑ John Buchan. "The Thirty-nine Steps". 1915. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: June, 1996. Last updated: October 30, 2018.
- ↑ Ruth Stiles Gannett. "My Father's Dragon". 1948. Random House. (Project Gutenberg. September 18, 2009.
- ↑ Oscar Wilde. "The Happy Prince and Other Tales". March 1910. Seventh Impression. London. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: March 29, 2015.
- ↑ E. Nesbit. "The Railway Children". 1906. (Project Gutenberg. Last Updated: March 9, 2018.
- ↑ Frances Hodgson Burnett. "The Secret Garden". 1911. Frederick A. Stokes Company. (Project Gutenberg. August, 1994.
- ↑ E. Nesbit. "The Railway Children". 1906. (Project Gutenberg. Last Updated: March 9, 2018.
- ↑ Frances Hodgson Burnett. "The Secret Garden". 1911. Frederick A. Stokes Company. (Project Gutenberg. August, 1994.
- ↑ Bryan Lynn, July 05, 2020. "Scientists Say a Massive Star Has Mysteriously Disappeared" VOA Learning English. 2020年7月11日参照
- ↑ L. Frank Baum. "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". 1900. (Project Gutenberg. Release Date: February, 1993. Most recently updated: October 19, 2020.