Norwegian Wikipedias
umbrella term for the two separate Norwegian-language editions of Wikipedia (Nynorsk [nn] and Bokmål/Riksmål [nb]) which shared a single wiki until the creation of [nn] and redefinition of [no] as Bokmål/Riksmål only – prefix "nb" redirects to "no"
- Norwegian-language Wikipedias
- nowiki+nnwiki
- nowp+nnwp
- nowikipedia+nnwikipedia
- no.wikipedia.org+nn.wikipedia.org
- nbwiki+nnwiki
- nbwp+nnwiki
- Wikipedias in Bokmål/Riksmål and Nynorsk
- nnwiki+nowiki
- nnwp+nowp
- nnwikipedia+nowikipedia
- nn.wikipedia.org+no.wikipedia.or
- Wikipedia in Norwegian
- Wikipedias in Norwegian
- Norwegian Wikipedia
- no.wiki
- nn.wiki
- nowiki
- nnwiki
Målform nnwp+nbwp.png
1,461 × 1,316; 466 KB
1,461 × 1,316; 466 KB
Wikipedia page Målform on the Norwegian Nynorsk [nn] (left) and Norwegian Bokmål [nb] (right) editions compared side-by-side (English)
0 references
Wikipedia på norsk (Norwegian)
0 references
26 November 2001
1 reference
31 July 2004
1 reference
5 October 2021
1 May 2020
Norwegian Wikipedias compared
0 references
Wikipedia(41 entries)
- afwiki Noorse Wikipedia
- arwiki ويكيبيديا النرويجية
- azwiki Norveçcə Vikipediya
- bnwiki নরওয়েজীয় উইকিপিডিয়া
- cawiki Viquipèdia en noruec
- ckbwiki ویکیپیدیای نەرویژی
- cswiki Norská Wikipedie
- cvwiki Норвег Википедийĕ
- dewiki Norwegischsprachige Wikipedias
- elwiki Νορβηγική Βικιπαίδεια
- enwiki Norwegian Wikipedia
- etwiki Norrakeelne Vikipeedia
- glwiki Wikipedia en noruegués
- hewiki ויקיפדיה הנורווגית
- hiwiki नॉर्वेजियाई विकिपीडिया
- igwiki Wikipedia nke ndị Norway
- itwiki Wikipedia in norvegese
- jawiki ノルウェー語版ウィキペディア
- kaawiki Norvegshe Wikipedia
- kawiki ნორვეგიული ვიკიპედია
- kowiki 노르웨이어 위키백과
- kuwiki Wîkîpediya norwêcî
- mniwiki ꯅꯣꯔꯋꯦꯖꯤꯌꯥꯟ ꯋꯤꯀꯤꯄꯦꯗꯤꯌꯥ
- nlwiki Noorse Wikipedia
- nnwiki Norsk Wikipedia
- nowiki Norsk Wikipedia
- ptwiki Wikipédia em norueguês
- rowiki Wikipedia în norvegiană
- shwiki Wikipedija na književnom norveškom jeziku
- simplewiki Norwegian-language editions of Wikipedia
- svwiki Norskspråkiga Wikipedia
- swwiki Wikipedia ya Kinorwei
- tawiki நோர்வே மொழி விக்கிப்பீடியா
- tgwiki Википедияи Норвежӣ
- tlwiki Wikipediang Noruwego
- trwiki Norveççe Vikipedi
- urwiki نورویجینی ویکیپیڈیا
- uzwiki Norvegcha Vikipediya
- vepwiki Norvegijan Vikipedii
- viwiki Wikipedia tiếng Na Uy
- zhwiki 挪威語維基百科
Wikibooks(0 entries)
Wikinews(0 entries)
Wikiquote(0 entries)
Wikisource(0 entries)
Wikiversity(0 entries)
Wikivoyage(0 entries)
Wiktionary(0 entries)
Multilingual sites(1 entry)
- commonswiki Category:Norwegian Wikipedias compared