Marvelous Masks

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Bronze handle attachment in the form of a mask | Greek or Roman | Late Hellenistic or Early Imperial
Bronze handle attachment in the form of a mask, Bronze, copper, silver, Greek or Roman
Mask | Condorhuasi-Alamito artist(s) |Condorhuasi-Alamito | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mask, Condorhuasi-Alamito artist(s), Stone (lapis lazuli), Condorhuasi-Alamito
Funerary Mask | Calima (Ilama) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Funerary Mask, Gold, Calima (Ilama)
Terracotta mask | Greek or Roman | Late Hellenistic or Early Imperial | The Metropolitan Museum of A
Terracotta mask, Terracotta, Greek or Roman
Mask | Condorhuasi-Alamito artist(s) | Condorhuasi-Alamito | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mask, Condorhuasi-Alamito artist(s), Stone, Condorhuasi-Alamito
Mask | Tolita-Tumaco | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mask, Ceramic, Tolita-Tumaco
Dionysos mask | Cypriot | Late Hellenistic | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Dionysos mask, Terracotta, Cypriot
Funerary Mask | Roman Period | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Funerary Mask, Plaster, paint
Comic mask | Greek, possibly Attic | Early Hellenistic | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Comic mask, Terracotta, Greek, possibly Attic
Funerary Mask | Ptolemaic or Roman Period | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Funerary Mask, gesso or mud?, paint
Funerary Mask | Roman Period | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Funerary Mask, Plaster, paint
Mask | Condorhuasi-Alamito artist(s) |Condorhuasi-Alamito | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mask, Condorhuasi-Alamito artist(s), Stone, Condorhuasi-Alamito
Mask | Romkun, Breri, or Igana people | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mask, Wood, Romkun, Breri, or Igana people
Funerary Mask of a woman | Roman Period | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Funerary Mask of a woman, Plaster, paint