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Plik:Tom Brown Actor.jpg

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Tom_Brown_Actor.jpg (220 × 242 pikseli, rozmiar pliku: 32 KB, typ MIME: image/jpeg)


English: Thomas Brown (b. January 6, 1913, New York City - d. June 3, 1990, Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California) was an American child model, and later a film and television actor.
Źródło Image from Picture Show Who's Who on the screen 1932. UK magazine. via:en:File:Tom Brown Actor.jpg
Autor Picture Show Who's Who on the screen 1932. UK magazine.


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  • A photograph, which has never previously been made available to the public (e.g. by publication or display at an exhibition) and which was taken more than 70 years ago (before 1 January 1955); or
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Data i czasMiniaturaWymiaryUżytkownikOpis
aktualny23:37, 13 lis 2015Miniatura wersji z 23:37, 13 lis 2015220 × 242 (32 KB)Ras67cropped and levels adjusted
03:06, 17 paź 2013Miniatura wersji z 03:06, 17 paź 2013221 × 247 (24 KB)OskNe{{Information |Description= |Source=Image from Picture Show Who's Who on the screen 1932. UK magazine. via:en:File:Tom Brown Actor.jpg |Date= |Author=1932 |Permission= |other_versions= }} {{PD-EU-no author disclosure}} Category:1913 births [...

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