Nervy Ned and his faithful valet "borrow" some small change from a newspaper stand and leave an I. O. U. to cover it. Incidentally, Nervy Ned picks up one of the papers and in the "want ads" sees that a professor of the occult wants two ...See moreNervy Ned and his faithful valet "borrow" some small change from a newspaper stand and leave an I. O. U. to cover it. Incidentally, Nervy Ned picks up one of the papers and in the "want ads" sees that a professor of the occult wants two men to take care of his studio. They secure the positions and are told to watch the place during the professor's absence. The way they watch the studio is to assume the roles of professor and assistant and undertake to give customers a view of their departed relatives. One of these customers happens to be Nervy Ned's husky wife, whom he had deserted some time ago. She asks to see the spirit of her dear departed husband and when Nervy Ned appears in this role she makes a dive for him. Ned slips behind a screen and changes places with a dummy. The dummy receives the blows of his wrathful wife and is dragged out and through the streets. Then the place is raided by the cops and Ned and his valet are forced to take to their heels. Just as they are ready to drop from exhaustion they see a flivver by the curb and drive off. Trouble develops and when Ned lights a match to see if it is with the engine, a flame shoots up, blackening half their faces. The cops and the crowd come up, but not recognizing them pass on. Nervy Ned says: "Spirits may come and spirits may go. If it wasn't for 'Henry's' this world would be slow." Written by
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