Ficheiro:Ursa Major constellation map.png

Imagem numa resolução maior (2 559 × 2 409 píxeis, tamanho: 113 kB, tipo MIME: image/png)

Descrição do ficheiro

English: This is a celestial map of the constellation Ursa Major, the Big Bear.

Copyright © 2003 Torsten Bronger.

It was created by Torsten Bronger using the program PP3 on 2003/08/18. At PP3's homepage, you also get the input scripts necessary for re-compiling the map.

The yellow dashed lines are constellation boundaries, the red dashed line is the ecliptic, and the shades of blue show Milky Way areas of different brightness. The map contains all Messier objects, except for colliding ones. The underlying database contains all stars brighter than 6.5. All coordinates refer to equinox 2000.0.

The map is calculated with the equidistant azimuthal projection (the zenith being in the center of the image). The north pole is to the top. The (horizontal) lines of equal declination are drawn for 0°, ±10°, ±20° etc. The lines of equal right ascension are drawn for all 24 hours. Towards the rim there is a very slight magnification (and distortion).
Autor Torsten Bronger


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Data e horaMiniaturaDimensõesUtilizadorComentário
atual04h47min de 27 de novembro de 2008Miniatura da versão das 04h47min de 27 de novembro de 20082 559 × 2 409 (113 kB)Esurnir~commonswiki{{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }}
02h23min de 21 de novembro de 2008Miniatura da versão das 02h23min de 21 de novembro de 20082 559 × 2 409 (209 kB)Spacepotato{{Information |Description={{en|1=This is a celestial map of the constellation Ursa Major, the Big Bear.}} |Source=Copyright © 2003 Torsten Bronger. It was created by Torsten Bronger using the program PP3 on

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