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Ficheiro:Small lymphangioma of the tongue Wellcome L0062763.jpg

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Imagem numa resolução maior (4 267 × 4 648 píxeis, tamanho: 3,34 MB, tipo MIME: image/jpeg)

Descrição do ficheiro

Small lymphangioma of the tongue   (Wikidata search (Cirrus search) Wikidata query (SPARQL)  Create new Wikidata item based on this file)
Mark, Leonard Portal
Small lymphangioma of the tongue
Watercolour drawing of a small lymphangioma of the tongue. It is situated in the middle line, is slightly raised, and shows several small clear vesicles on its surface. It was removed freely with the knife. The patient was a little boy aged 7. [Further detail on case available on source catalogue, see link below]
Data Mar 1891
institution QS:P195,Q119266745
Modo de aquisição This is an image of an item held by Barts Health NHS Trust Archives.

Barts Health NHS Trust Archives SBHB/MU/14/12/41

  • Photo number: L0062763


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atual07h10min de 18 de outubro de 2014Miniatura da versão das 07h10min de 18 de outubro de 20144 267 × 4 648 (3,34 MB)=={{int:filedesc}}== {{Artwork |artist = |author = |title = Small lymphangioma of the tongue |description = Watercolour drawing of a small lymphangioma of the tongue. It is situated in the middle line, is sli...

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