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File:Flag of Jordan.svg

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File origgenale (Fail SVG, nominalmende sonde 1 200 × 600 pixel, dimenzione d'u fail: 412 byte)

Stu file è da Wikimedia Commons e pò essere ausate pe otre pruggette.
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العربية: علم الأردن
Esperanto: Flago de Jordanio
Nederlands: Vlag van Jordanië
Română: Drapelul Iordaniei
Русский: Флаг Иордании
Slovenščina: Državna zastava Jordanije
Date 1928-present

Drawn by User:SKopp

Autore User:SKopp
(Ause stu file n'otra vote)
Public domain
This Jordanian photograph or Applied Art which was created on or before December 31, 1974,[1] is currently in the public domain in Jordan because Article 32 of Copyright Law No. 22 of 1992 was amended by Law No. 29 of 1999 to provide for a 25-year term of protection for photographs starting January 1st of year of completion. Although this provision was later repealed by Law No. 78 of 2003, the repeal did not renew the copyright of photographs which had already fallen into the public domain, because Article 7 of the 1992 law explicitly disallows such retroactive protection of out-of-copyright works.

Or, by Article 7 section a, it is a photocopy of Jordanian Laws, Regulations, "Daily news published, broadcast or communicated to the public", Court orders or Official governmental documents or Official translation of any of the above or any part of it.

In order to be hosted on Commons, all works must be in the public domain in the United States as well as in their source country. The copyright of all pre-1975 Jordanian photographs had expired in Jordan on the U.S. date of restoration (July 28, 1999).[2] Such photographs are thus currently in the public domain in the United States.[3]

[1]Between 1999 and 2003, Article 32 of the 1992 law stated that the term of protection for photographs was to be calculated starting from the 1st of January of the year of their actual completion (and not starting from the next calendar year as is the case in many countries). The term of protection for a photograph completed on December 31, 1974 was thus calculated starting from January 1, 1974, and expired on January 1, 1999.

[2]Circular 38a: International Copyright Relations of the United States (PDF) p. 5. United States Copyright Office (March 2009). Retrieved on 2010-03-04.

[3]17 U.S.C. § 104A

العربيَّة | English | +/−

Flag of Jordan
Questa immagine non possiede i requisiti per essere soggetta a copyright ed è quindi nel pubblico dominio, poiché è costituita interamente da informazioni che sono proprietà comune e non contiene condizione dell'autore originale.
Insignia In questa immagine è mostrata una bandiera, uno stemma, un sigillo o qualche altra insegna. L'uso di questi simboli è soggetto a restrizioni in diversi paesi. Queste restrizioni sono indipendenti dallo status del copyright.

Questo tag non indica lo status del copyright o la fonte del file. Il tag di copyright e la fonte devono quindi essere indicati. Vedi Commons:Licenze per ulteriori informazioni.

Interpretation of the colors

Scheme Textile colour
Red The Hashemite dynasty, bloody struggle for freedom.
White The Umayyad dynasty, bright and peaceful future.
Green The Fatimid dynasty
Black The Abbasid dynasty,

Colours scheme

Red White Green Black
RGB 206/17/38 255/255/255 0/122/61 0/0/0
Hexadecimal #ce1126ff #FFFFFF #007a3dff #000000ff
CMYK 0/92/82/19 0/0/0/0 100/0/50/52 0/0/0/100


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Flag of Jordan

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(UrtemePrime) Vide (cchiù nueve 10) (102050100250500)
corrende05:34, 14 Dec 2022Thumbnail p'a versione de 05:34, 14 Dec 20221 200 × 600 (412 byte)MapGridReverted to version as of 19:28, 9 June 2022 (UTC). Restoring linefeed and tab characters. See Help:SVG_guidelines#When_is_optimizing/validating_files_undesired?
00:51, 8 Dec 2022Thumbnail p'a versione de 00:51, 8 Dec 20221 200 × 600 (403 byte)VexilAlpacaReducing code
20:28, 9 Sci 2022Thumbnail p'a versione de 20:28, 9 Sci 20221 200 × 600 (412 byte)MapGridReverting. Shiv, this is not a sandbox! The flag you uploaded had dimensions of 10.412084in x 5.215035in. That is not an exact ratio of 2:1! The flag should have unitless dimensions of 1200x600. Also, your code is full of unnecessary matrices. Please stop corrupting the flag.
16:48, 9 Sci 2022Thumbnail p'a versione de 16:48, 9 Sci 2022937 × 469 (2 KB)Sakivfixed
04:16, 9 Sci 2022Thumbnail p'a versione de 04:16, 9 Sci 20221 200 × 600 (412 byte)SakivReverted to version as of 03:06, 9 June 2022 (UTC) ?
04:15, 9 Sci 2022Thumbnail p'a versione de 04:15, 9 Sci 2022288 × 288 (760 byte)Sakivfix
04:06, 9 Sci 2022Thumbnail p'a versione de 04:06, 9 Sci 20221 200 × 600 (412 byte)SakivReverted to version as of 23:20, 8 June 2022 (UTC)
04:05, 9 Sci 2022Thumbnail p'a versione de 04:05, 9 Sci 20221 000 × 1 000 (2 KB)Sakivsee https://www.crwflags.com/fotw/flags/jo.html#loc
00:20, 9 Sci 2022Thumbnail p'a versione de 00:20, 9 Sci 20221 200 × 600 (412 byte)Fry1989As I explained on the talk page, your image has significant distortions.
21:13, 8 Sci 2022Thumbnail p'a versione de 21:13, 8 Sci 2022432 × 216 (3 KB)SakivReverted to version as of 18:42, 6 June 2022 (UTC) if you don't intend to continue talking, then I will restore
(UrtemePrime) Vide (cchiù nueve 10) (102050100250500)

Ause d'u file globale
