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pripisivanje – Morate pripisati odgovarajuće autorske zasluge, osigurati vezu do licence i naznačiti jesu li napravljene izmjene. To možete uraditi na bilo koji razumni način, ali ne tako da se sugerira da davalac licence odobrava Vas ili Vašu upotrebu njegovog djela.
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2005-01-24T16:25:01Z UTC Shimo 1136x795 (232701 bytes) The copyright status of this work is difficult or impossible to determine. The individual who uploaded this work and first used it in an article, and subsequent persons who place it into articles, assert that if this image is not copyrighted, then it is i
{{Information| |Description=Faisal mosque |Source=http://www.world66.com/asia/southasia/pakistan/islamabad/lib/gallery/showimage?pic=asia/southasia/pakistan/islamabad/faisal_masjid_isla |Date= |Author=Asjad Jamshed |Permission=All the material (articles a
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