Tarisai futi peji re: Mashoko eChishona akabva kumumwe mitauro

Duramahwi (ku Chingezi: Dictionary; Chindevere: Isichazamazwi) Duramaswi kana Duramazwi: Chinyogwa chinounganidza mahwi kana kuti mazwi ese emutauro, senge mutauro wedu weChishona. Duramahwi rinodudzira zvese zvinoreva ihwi/inzvi rimwe nerimwe, chichibetsera avo vanosangana nemahwi avasingazivi zvaanoreva kana manyorego awo kuti vadzidze izvi.
Pamusoro pezvo, pakazhinji mazwi anowanikwa mukati meduramazwi anowanzo nyorwa achiteera bumbiro remabhi, kubva kuna A kuzvika kuna Z, zvichienderana nebumbiro remabhi reChishona.
Duramazwi anotang na A | ||
Chishona | Tsananguro | Izwifanana |
A- | aihwa; uye izwi rinoshandiswa munhu kana ashamiswa. Senge A! Handiba.
rinoshandiswa panoshandurwa iye; senge Aenda kupi? |
-AKA | kuvaka; kanhu aka;
Akaita |
Waka; Vaka
Akaenda nenzira. |
AKO | kanhu ako
zvako |
ichi ndechako |
AMAI | kureva mhamha, mai | |
-AMBANA | kurwa (nemumwe); to quarrel | pamwe, kurambana? |
-AMBUKA | to cross over (a river) | |
-AMBURA | to dig (ground nuts etc.) | |
to suck; to suckle | |
-AMURA | to yawn | |
-ANDIRA | to sit on (eggs); to incubate | |
ANI | who | |
-ANIKA | to put to dry (out in the sun) | |
-ANO | these days; these ones
he/she does |
-ANGU | mine | |
APA | here | |
APO | chinhu chiri kunzvimbo iri kumwe, isiri padhuze. | c |
-ASHIRA | kugamuchira (kugashira); kubvuma | Gashira |
ASI | but
also used for shock effec |
Ndaenda asi pakanga pasina munhu.
Asi haana kuuya. |
-ATA | sleep; to lie down | Aenda kuno vata. |
AVA | them | |
-AVO | theirs
them (usually far) |
AYA | these ones (objects); these things | |
AYO | those things; those (objects) |
Duramazwi anotanga na - B | ||
Chishona | Tsananguro | Izwifanana |
BA | used as an emphasise negative feelings
baba; baba wa- |
-BA | rindoshandiswa kuba | |
BABA | father | Bambo; dhedhi |
BABAMA | to flap wings; flying | |
BADZA | a hoe; a plough | |
BAKO | a cave or cleft among rocks; | |
BAKWA | a place for firewood; woodpile | |
BAMBO | father | Baba; dhedhi |
BANDA | to throb; to pain; ache | Rwadza |
BADADZI | slave; servant | Muranda |
BANDAKADZI | female servant; female slave | |
BANDAUKO | should or fore-leg (yeBeast) | |
BANDE | bark, peel, fish scale | Gwande; Gwati |
BANDU | enemy | Muvengi |
BANI | wide; level land between hills; open level veld | |
BANZA | hope | Tariro |
BANZE | the meeting-place of men in a village | Dare |
BANZURA | to split; cut; lengthways | |
-BADZURA | a splinter | Banzu |
BANGA | knife | mhesvi; mesa; munondo |
BANGANO | a cunning plan; plot; scheme (scheming) | zano |
BANGO | horizontal crossbeam in a house-roof; uprights of walls; pole for construction; pole | |
BANGURA | canine tooth | zino; mbangura; mbangu |
BAPE | flat sheet; flat piece; also band or cloth or beads worn on foreheads by women | |
BAPIRO | wing | Papiro |
BAPU | lung | |
-BARA | to bear (offspring; fruit); to bud
a cartridge; bullet |
-BARIKABARIKA | to fly off (sparks); to send sparks flying off | -pupuruka
-barika |
BARIKIRA | a spark | sasaradzi; sase; bari; tsatsi |
-BARURA | to tears; rip | Parura; Bvarura |
BARUKA | be torn | |
BASA | work; job; employment | Kushanda |
BASI | only; enough; one person only | chete; bedzi |
BATA | a duck | sekwe; shambira; sambira |
-BATA | to hold; to seize; to be firm; catch; strong | |
BATANIDZA | to join to together; | |
BATSIRA | to help; land a hand | -betsera; -batsa; -detsa; detsera; |
BATWA | be held; be caught; | |
-BAYA | stab; gore; pierce; prick | |
-BAYIRA | to fasten (with a pin) etc.; stick into; to kill for; to sacrifice to | |
BAZI | branch | nhawani |
BECHE | pudendum muliebre | mheche |
-BEKA | belch | dzvova; -beya; -geya |
BEMBVU | lunatic; madman | mupengo |
BEMHE | donkey | mbongoro; mubemhe |
BENDE | a broken pot; nick (as in rim of pot); space between two teeth | |
BENYU | alive; to have life | penyu; mupenyu; mhenyu |
BENZI | fool; idiot; (almost) lunatic | -penga; bembvu |
BENGO | a lunatic | |
BERE | hyaena | tika; magondo; chipere; bongo |
BEREKA | to bear (offspring; fruit); to carry on back (eg. kubereka mwana kumusana) | mbereko; -zvara; -pona; -bara |
BERERE | verandah | |
BESA | cold in the head; sickness | Besha; dzibwa; dzihwa |
-BESA | to make and light a fire | -vesa; -batidza |
BESHA | cold in the head; sickness; | |
BESU | tail (of bird or fish) | mupefu; musuka; chisuka; muswe; mupesu; musuka |
BETE | cockroach | |
BETO | dew | dova; veta |
-BETSA | to help; helping | Batsira; betsera; betsa; |
BIDI | magic; any unusual thing | pipi |
-BIDZA | to take over a river | -bira |
-BIKA | cook; to boil | |
BIKIRO | the cooking-place; a big snuff-box | |
BIMHA | reed-buck | |
-BIMIDZA | to beat (with fist); | Bi; -bititsa; -bititisa |
BINDEPINDE | a stout rope; a row of people holding hands | tambo |
BINGA | a forest; king's enclosure in his own village | dondo |
BIRA | a big beer dance; a feast to celebrate family spirits | |
-BIRA | (1) to cross over (a river);
(2) to steal from someone |
-bidza; -ambuka; -namata |
-BIRATU | to fast for at least one day | |
BIRIPIRI | measles | gwirikwiti |
BIRIRA | waterfall | bopomo |
BIRIRI | bank (of stream) | hombekombe |
BISWA | a stage in beer-making | mhanga |
BITI | (sweet) bear | |
-BITIRIRWA | to be choked in water; to drown | kunyura |
BITIRISA | to choke | |
BITITISA | to beat (with feast) | Bititsa; bimidza |
BIYA | a frying-pan | hangiro |
BIZA | cloth | jira |
BODO | no; not at all | bwodo; maya; kwete; hai; tai; sva; haiwa; aihwa; ai |
BOFU | blind person or animal; blindness | -pofumara; pofu |
BOMHO | grassy plain; treeless veld | bani; sango |
BONDE | a mat of split reeds; to have sexual intercourse (kusvira) | rukukwe; rutsekete; rupasa; tsapata |
-BONDOKOTA | to sit cross-legged; to sit with legs under one | -kugara rusero |
BONJE | abscess; boil; wound | mota; chironda |
BONGA | wild cat | mangowe; mangowi |
BONGO | hyaena | bere |
-BOORA | to pierce; to rip; to make a hole | bovora |
BOPE | a quarrel; disturbance; noise | |
-BOPERA | to tie up; to inspan (oxen) | |
BOPOMO | waterfall | bopomo |
-BOPOTA | to make noise; to complain; to shout | popota; nwauta; nwaudza |
BOPOTO | a noise; clamour; disturbance | ruzha; hope; bopota |
BOROSA | a pocket | homwe; hombodo |
BOSHO | bad marksmanship; a great danger; narrow escape | |
BOTA | gruel; thin porridge (re vana) | sadza |
BOTE | stout rope; unplaited bark | |
-BOYIRA | to wink; to blink; to twinkle | bwaira (bgaira); |
to pick up (by chance); to find | kuwana; -bozha |
-BUDA | to come out' be well; come up (seeds) | -budisa; kumera (seeds); budiswa |
BUDZI | a kind of marrow or pumpkin | nhanga |
BUKA | a fit; (fainting) | |
BUMA | a swarm (of bees); a bunch; cluster | bumbira |
BUMARUTSVA | early rains | Gukurahundi; Hukurahundi |
-BUMATA | to close the mouth | bumira |
BUMBIRA | a swarm or cluster of bees | buma |
BUMHE | beer (sweet) | doro; beto |
-BUMIRA | to close the mouth; close lips | -bumata; vumira; -fumbira; -fungira |
BUMU | forelock; tuft left on top of head | vhudzi |
-BUMUDZA | to rest; make to halt for rest on a journey | bumudzo; -pumuza |
BUMUDZO | resting place | guva; rinda |
BUNDO | weed; grassy land | tsora; chitse; shakura |
BUNDU | lump; hump | nyugwa; nutwa; nundu; chipundu |
-BUNDUKUTA | to roll on ground (as mules do) | -vurukuta |
BUNHA | a young girl (about 12yrs old) | kapunha; musikana |
BUNO | tomato | domasi; guzungu; gukuzumbu; |
BUNUMUNU | naked person | Bunyumunyu; mupunu |
BUNGU | a forest | dondo; guri |
BUNGWA | a salt-bearing reed from whose ashes a native salt is made | mutomba; mubungwe; mutsvangidze |
BUPIRA | a swarm of insects; abundance of flying insects | Buma |
-BURA | to take from the fire; to dish up (food); to take honey or eggs (from hive or nest) | |
BURA | sweet potato | mbambaira |
BURI | family | mhuri; buri |
BURI | hole | |
-BURIKA | to come out | -burikira; burikidza; -buritsa; -buritsira; -buritsisa; -buritswa |
-BURIRA | hence; to feed another; to bring up someone else's child | bura; |
-BURITSA | to take out; drive out | -buritsira; -buritswa; -buritsisa; -burika |
-BURUKA | to come down; descend | -burusa; -burutsa; -burukira; dzika |
-BURUTSA | to cause some to come down; to take down | -burusa; -turura |
BUTE | mist; a swarm of locusts | mhute; mphute |
BUTI | a grain of pop-corn | mabutiputi |
BUTIRO | covering; wrapper; banana bud; book-jacket; thin skin inside of an eggshell | bvuwo; musari |
BUTU | a bran (of grain stamped of milled) | fuva |
BUVE | poisonouse hairy spider | |
BUWA | sleeping but for unmarried boys or girls | imba |
BUWE | stone | ibwe (ibge) |
chinjirudzaDuramazwi anotang ana BH | ||
Chishona | Tsananguro | Izwifanana |
BHACHI | a coat | |
BHADHARA | pay; to pay | -ripa |
BHADHARO | a fine; payment | |
BHADHARISA | cause to pay; to fine | |
BHAHARI | sea | gungwa (ocean); nyanza (lake) dziva (pool); |
BHANDE | belt; band | |
BHANHIRE | a skin belt with pouches for arrows | Goba |
BHABHATIDZA | baptise; to baptise | Bhapatidza; rubhabhatidzo |
-BHARA | to write | |
-BHARA CHIBHARO | to pay a tax | |
BHARIRA | to enrol; write to or for | CHIBHARO |
chemical element boron |
bhoroni |
BHIMI | ngi | |
-BHISA | remove; take away | bvisa |
BHIZA | horse | Hachi |
BHIZAUTARE | bicycle | |
BHO | okay; good; well | |
BHODYERA | bottle | Bhodhoro |
BHONI | iris | mboni |
BHONDANA | dhebana | |
BHONGOZHORA | thud | |
BHOKISI | box | chikwembe |
BHUMI | wolf; an animal belonging to canidae | bhumhi |
BHORA | ball | nabvu; mbungo; mupira; homa; chimburumbwa |
BHURURUKA | fly | Pururuka; pupuruka |
BHURUVARA | dwindle | |
BHUTAWU | button | ndoro; konopo |
BHUVHURA | perforate | |
BHUYA | converse | kurukura |
BHW (bw)/BG
chinjirudzaMazwi anotanga na BW/BG | ||
Ibhi rekuti bw kana kuti bg rinowanzo shandiswa muChikaranga, asi muChizezuru rinoshandiswa sa hw. | ||
Chishona | Tsananguro | Izwifanana |
beer (strong) | HWAHWA
doro |
to be on edge (of teeth) | HWADZIRA; -vaneuziza |
to wink; to blink; twinkle | boyira; -chenya |
a bier | uchanja |
native medicine used as charms; anaesthetics; poison; | HWANGA |
breadth | HWASHA; upami |
to squat (for concealment) | -sunzumara |
a canoe; dug-out | HWATO; mwadia; chikepe; gwa; igwa; ngarawa |
bait (for fishing) | HWAMBO; HWAZVO; HWAZO |
(BGE) |
stone | ibwe; chibwe |
odour; scent | HWEMA |
pretence; a bait | HWENDEDZO |
deep pond | HWENJE |
the back of the shoulders | HWENZE |
to speak | Hwereketa; reketa; taura; -reva |
to add together; to mix | HWERENGEDZA; -werengedza |
side (yemhuka) | HWEVE; rutivi |
to shine; to glitter; glisten | Bwibwi (bgibgi); hwihwi; hwihwinya |
to shave clean | Bwingu; -veura; -hwira |
to eat by throwing (small) food pieces into the mouth | -HWIRA |
a ray of sun; sunbeam | maranzi; museve; muzhwari |
to return, give back | Hwirira |
a grave | guva |
mwana we hwai | hwayana; hwaiyana; nyenye; kahwai |
on purpose; purposely | nobwoni (nobgoni); namambune; namavune |
mushroom | howa; hohwa |
rinoshandiswa sezvinoita 'huno/hwuno' enz. 'huchi bwuno' |
HWUNO; Huno |
to repeat, do over again (an action) | hwiridzira |
BWUYA | of-
rinoshandiswa sezvinoita huya/hwuya, 'huchi hwuya/bwuy' |
hwuya, huya |
chinjirudzaMazwi anotanga na Bv | ||
Chishona | Tsananguro | Izwifanana |
-BVA | to com from; to move away, come out; to start from, begin | -bvisa; -bvira |
BVA | but | asi |
-BVARURA | to to be tear; rip | parura; barura |
BVENE | a baboon | gudo |
BVI | knee | ibvi |
-BVIDZA | to be able | -bvira; -gona; -kwanisa |
-BVIKA; -BVIKIDZA | to be possible | bvikidza; -goneka; -kwanisika |
-BVINZA | to leak | -vhinza; -donha; -dzudza |
-BVIRA | to be possible | |
BVISA | remove; to take away, | |
BVOVORA | to bore; | |
BVUA | to paddle (canoe) | |
BVUBVUMARA | to sit huddled up (se mu-stranger suppliant arikumirira notice) | bvuwara |
BVUDZI | hair | VHUDZI |
-BVUKA | to divine; guess; divination | -vuka; bvukisira |
BVUKISIRA | to guess | |
BVUMA | to agree; assent; acknowledge | -bvumira; -bvumirana; -bvumisa; -bvumidza |
BVUMBI | puff-adder | mvumbi |
-BVUMBUKA | to be worn; be easily torn |
chinjirudza== CHW ==Chwanya
== tyu
Mazwi anotanga na W | |||
Chishona | Chingezi | Enzano | Mamwe mazita |
Wedza | milking vessels | ||