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Универзитет Сиракјус

Координате: 43° 02′ 15″ С; 76° 08′ 02″ З / 43.0376° С; 76.1340° З / 43.0376; -76.1340
С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
(преусмерено са Syracuse University)
Универзитет Сиракјус
Syracuse University
МотоSuos Cultores Scientia Coronat (латински)
Мото (на српском)„Знање крунише оне који га траже”
Оснивање24. март 1870.; пре 154 године (1870-03-24)
Задужбина1,90 млрд $ (2023)[1]
Буџет1,637 млрд. $ (2023)[2][3]
КанцеларКент Сајверуд
ПроректорГречен Ритер
Академско особље1.848[4]
Админ. особље3.848[4]
Број студената22.698 (2022)[4]
Први степен15,421 (2022)[4]
Други степен6.552 (2022)[4]
ЛокацијаСиракјус, Њујорк, САД
43° 02′ 15″ С; 76° 08′ 02″ З / 43.0376° С; 76.1340° З / 43.0376; -76.1340
ЧасописThe Daily Orange
Спортски надимакОринџси

Универзитет Сиракјус (енгл. Syracuse University) је приватни универзитет у Сиракјусу. Основан је 1870. као методистички универзитет, док је 1920. секуларизован.[5]


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  1. ^ As of June 30, 2023. Annual Financial Reports 2023 (PDF) (Извештај). Syracuse University. јануар 2023. стр. 12. Приступљено 3. 11. 2023. 
  2. ^ „Fiscal Year 2023 Budget” (PDF). Office of Budget and Planning. Архивирано (PDF) из оригинала 5. 8. 2021. г. Приступљ��но 7. 10. 2022. 
  3. ^ „Syracuse University's goals: Raise $1.5 billion and its academic profile”. Syracuse.com. 2019. Архивирано из оригинала 9. 11. 2019. г. Приступљено 9. 11. 2019. 
  4. ^ а б в г д „Syracuse University Facts, Figures & Ranking”. Syracuse University. Архивирано из оригинала 10. 9. 2022. г. Приступљено 10. 9. 2022. 
  5. ^ Nonsectarian status: The relationship with the United Methodist Church persisted for some time:
    • „Syracuse University Bylaws, Scope: Trustees/University Governance”. Syracuse University. 14. 5. 2011. Архивирано из оригинала 30. 1. 2012. г. Приступљено 16. 12. 2011. „Three Trustees shall be elected by the Board to represent the North Central New York, Western New York and Wyoming Conferences of the United Methodist Church. The Syracuse University Board of Trustees and the named conferences may recommend persons for election as Trustees in this capacity. The representatives need not reside in the areas they represent. 
    • A Brief Report of Church Relatedness: Syracuse University – INCORPORATION AND THE METHODIST CHURCH. Syracuse University. 15. 6. 2010. „The current bylaws authorize the Board to elect three Organization Trustees: one Trustee each to represent the North Central New York, Western New York, and Wyoming conferences of the United Methodist Church. Both the conferences and the Board may recommend persons for election as Organization Trustees. Today Syracuse University is considered a Methodist-related institution. Syracuse University's affiliation is expressed in the tradition, though not regulation, of having a United Methodist minister serve as dean of Hendricks Chapel and in the University's participation in the annual University Teacher/Scholar Award sponsored by the Methodist Church. In addition, the University administers a number of Methodist-funded scholarships and houses the Bishop Ledden Endowed Professorship in the Department of Religion. 
    • Separated brethren: a review of Protestant, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox & other religions in the United States. Our Sunday Visitor. 2002. ISBN 9781931709057. Приступљено 27. 3. 2010. „Among Protestant denominations, Methodists take first place in hospitals and colleges. Some of their one hundred colleges and universities have all but severed ties with the denominations, but others remain definitely Methodist: Syracuse, Boston, Emory, Duke, Drew, Denver, and Southern Methodist. The church operates three hundred sixty schools and institutions overseas. [мртва веза]
    • „Syracuse University”. International Association of Methodist Schools, Colleges, and Universities (IAMSCU). Архивирано из оригинала 23. 7. 2011. г. Приступљено 30. 6. 2007. 
    • „United Methodist schools score high in rankings”. The United Methodist Church. 31. 8. 2004. Архивирано из оригинала 1. 7. 2012. г. Приступљено 30. 6. 2007. „Other United Methodist schools on the top national list are Syracuse (N.Y.) University (tied for 52nd); Boston University (tied for 56th); Southern Methodist University, Dallas (tied for 71st); and American University, Washington (tied for 86th). 

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