Fil:Ewy Rosqvist y Ursula Wirth - El Gráfico 2247.jpg

Originalfil (1 487 × 2 000 pixlar, filstorlek: 2,84 Mbyte, MIME-typ: image/jpeg)

Español: El Grafico del 31 de Octubre de 1962. Edicion 2247
Skapare El Gráfico
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This image is in the public domain in Argentina because the copyright of this photograph, registered in Argentina, has expired. According to Law 11.723, Article 34, photographs are protected for 20 years after publication. (Note that Law 25.140 promulgated in 1999 that implements the Paris Act of 1971 explicitly dismisses in Article 9 the minimum protection duration for photographic works required by Berne Convention, Article 7 (4))

Date and source of any publication prior to 20 year old must be indicated so anyone can check it.
Use this template exclusively for photos and NOT for drawings or other pieces of art.
You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.


Ewy Rosqvist och Ursula Wirth på omslaget till den argentinska tidningen ''El Gráfico'', 31 oktober 1962.

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nuvarande9 december 2016 kl. 01.03Miniatyrbild för versionen från den 9 december 2016 kl. 01.031 487 × 2 000 (2,84 Mbyte)JmmuguerzaTransferred from

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