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English website

The English version is currently not as complete as the Italian one. A new and more comprehensive translated edition is under construction.

You can find general information about the Italian National Institute of Statistics activities and its organisation chart, and programmes of conferences, workshops and other events open to the public.

The press releases calendar including abstracts of the main ones, some data banks and information systems, and a limited range of books published by Istat in English are available.

You will also find services that satisfy the users' requests and international standard glossaries and classifications.

Information on this site are available for personal and public use and may be reproduced without charge or further permission provided the source is acknowledged.

For more in depth information please refer to the Italian version.

virtual bookshelf

               Sistan                Eurostat

latest releases
date %*  
GDP 2T/09 -6.0 graph
Consumer prices 10/09 +0.3 graph
Production prices 10/09 -5.3 graph
Industrial production 09/09 -15.7 graph
Retail trades 09/09 -1.6 graph
Employment 2T/09 -1.6 graph
Wages 10/09 +3.2 graph
*trend % changes

Statistical information and data services

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Istat - Istituto nazionale di statistica
Via Cesare Balbo 16 00184 - Roma tel. +39 06 46731