The Doom Generation is an art film trying to please the audience that its making fun of. It has gratuitous *** and is pretty much a soft core ***. The dialog is poor at best. But these are the things that make it a "good" film. The movie is basically taking to task generation X, I mean there is after all a character named "X" who leads the two other "innocent" characters down the road to hell. The gratuitous *** is suppose to highlight the characters apathy toward fellow human beings. In the string of murders and *** that ensues the only time the 3 of them show remorse or concern is when they hit a dog on the road. They end the dogs suffering and bury it! And Amy says something to the effect of "Life Sucks".Out of all the human death they only show concern for themselves and the effect it will have on them, i.e. getting caught, but they all suffer for the poor dogs death. The ***, voyeurism, partner swapping etc. are just examples of more apathy and general selfishness-if it feels good do it. But your not even sure if it feels good because towards the end when the climax of *** is happening nobody seems overly upset that the *** has taken such a bad turn. Maybe Perry Farrel's earlier cameo is to get you to keep in mind the Jane's addiction lyric "... *** is ***"? Any way I could ramble on maybe I'm so brimming with insight because the first time I saw it I was high and then on finally re-watching it I was truly frightened by how many friends I have fit the film's stereotypes