Hannah Montana (2006–2011)
Disney's global phenomenon PERIOD
20 November 2010
How someone can say that Disney blew it with this show is beyond me, but I'm happy that the person in question is not running the channel. Hannah Montana is a global success phenomenon for a reason. The show is funny, the teen cast is, most of the part, very good and the kids watching the show learn some valuable lessons for their life. The music fits the show perfectly with songs specifically written with the main character's problems in mind. This show has been nominated every single year, since its start back in 2006, for the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Children's Program and has won 20 other prices in the process. They must be doing something right in my opinion. I understand that it's not the best show on earth, but everyone bashing this show into oblivion and giving it only 1 star is more than irrational. Hannah Montana has been a money magnet for Disney (TV show, music CDs, cinema movies, merchandising) and millions of children worldwide love this character. You can't achieve this with a bad product. Give it a try and watch the show, and don't listen to all the bad reviewers that would probably run the channel bankrupt with their taste for TEEN shows anyway. - (Home improvement, seriously?)
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