Girl Meets World (2014–2017)
Very Similar to other teen Disney Shows
9 August 2014
While Boy Meets World targeted pre-teens to adults, Girl Meets World is strictly for the pre-teens to teen age bracket. With silly story lines, Girl Meets World is much more like a Hannah Montana, ICarly, or Wizards of Waverly, than it is to the original Boy Meets World. While the format of learning a life lesson is still there, it is found in a much sillier way.

One thing that I really don't like, is that Cory and Topanga don't act like parents. For example, in the episode that Riley wanted to go to a dance instead of going to Cony Island to ride the Cyclone with her father. Cory pouts to Topanga, tries to guilt Riley into going, and is just over dramatic. There was a similar episode on Boy Meets World, where Eric and Cory don't want to play in the father-son softball game. There is no silly drama, in fact they don't even know that they hurt there father's feelings until after the game is over and he went by himself. In the original Boy Meets World, Amy and Allan came off as believable parents. Corey and Topanga come off as being silly and over dramatic.

FYI like Morgan in the early seasons, the little brother Auggie, is awesome!!!
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