Walliams & Friend (2015– )
To be avoided.
16 December 2016
Sooo bad! From David Walliams, the man with an ego the size of a small planet, more unfunny crap...so unfunny they've had to add a laughter track (check the real audience next to the *** audience member asking the unfunny J. Beiber question)....How did this escape? Oh yes, it's from the well known National Treasure (?!?) Walliams...total bilge!

Would the BBC like to inform us exactly how much these 'shows'cost? Probably not...whatever, it was way too much.

Walliams has got by with a thimbleful of talent and a barrow-load of bluster...he's a very lucky boy.

Because of him being a National Treasure (?!?) he'll probably survive this ordure...unjustly.
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