Crime's End (1939)
Harry Carey is a Good Cop With a Guilty Son
20 September 2021
I have had fun reviewing a number of films here at IMDb and I try to stay consistent in what I look for or take note of in evaluating a picture. I find that reviewing a film adds a deeper appreciation for the film. I enjoy all motion pictures, from the finer tried and true greats and classics to lesser ones, including B-pictures like "My Son Is Guilty." I rarely bother to offer thoughts on the great films, or even most of the class-A features, as usually many --if not dozens-- of reviews have already been offered on them.

My overall enjoyment from viewing a film is what I am looking for when evaluating, or reviewing, a film. It really comes down to assigning a value as to how much I "enjoyed" the viewing. Yes, I may expect just a little more (or maybe considerably more) polish and sophistication from a big studio, high-budget picture with valued star players than I do from a smaller B-picture, but as far as enjoyment is concerned, I can get just about as much enjoyment from a B-picture as I can from an A-picture.

"My Son Is Guilty" is a good case in point. Sure, it is obvious from the production values and editing that it was made on a lower budget, but I absolutely and thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated this little film. I loved the sets and the players and the economical pacing. The story was indeed fanciful, what with Harry Carey being so singularly naive, but it is easy to get wrapped up in the program and all the disruption and reactions that the return to town of the bad son engendered. Bruce Cabot played the unredeemable son smoothly and convincingly. Seemingly many raters of this film have given it five stars, and some even fewer, but I happily give it seven because I got a lot of enjoyment from watching it.
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