Almost Perfect
16 September 2022
I'm from New Orleans, was born in that hospital, when it was Baptist. My grandfather died there and I know a guy who worked there. The film was perfect, in terms of acting, everything. I did find one probable flaw that made me give it a 9/10. Emmett Everette had oxygen tubes to his nostrils the whole time. Those are usually hooked to an electrical device that pumps in supplemental oxygen. But there was no electricity. Could have been bottled oxygen, but the supply room was under water. And nobody keeps those tubes in tf he or she isn't getting oxygen. A small flaw, so I'd say 9.9/10. One last thing: That "Butch" character, if real, should be made to live on the LA coastline with no evacuation allowed. Then he might learn how hurricanes can mess with your mind.
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