Once Chucky had gained entry inside of the Simpsons' home, he proceeded to dispose and take the place of Tommy, another Good Guy doll within the home. The second day Andy was staying with the Simpsons, he wanted to make an effort at impressing them and decided to show that he was at least trying to conform to their ideals by carrying Tommy around. Unbeknownst to Andy, he was really carrying around Chucky. That same night, Chucky had tied and gagged Andy to his bed in an attempt to steal his soul. Kyle interrupted this process and eventually, the commotion was heard by Phil and Joanne who entered Andy's bedroom. Phil had confiscated Chucky and thrown him in the basement, promising Andy that Chucky couldn't bother him anymore. The next morning, Andy is seen boarding a school bus and as the bus is driving down the street, Chucky's legs are seen underneath. Though it is not shown in the theatrical or home versions of the film, in one of the deleted scenes, the camera zooms towards the basement window of the Simpsons' home which was left open. Thus, implying Chucky had escaped this way to avoid detection by anyone and be able to follow Andy to school. He had left it open, most likely because he knew know one would notice and try to close it and/or so he could conveniently return inside later.
A Play Pals executive named Mattson mentioned briefly to CEO, Mr. Sullivan, that Karen had attempted to file a lawsuit against the Play Pals Toy Co. and ultimately, lost the case because (1) her story was refuted by the company that anything could remotely be wrong with the doll, (2) the Chicago Police Department refused to testify on her behalf, or (3) the ridiculousness of the idea of a doll coming to life and killing people. It was not mentioned in the film or any deleted scenes, but in one of the comics released alongside Child's Play 2, it revealed that Mike Norris, a Chicago Police homicide detective, who had initially shot and mortally wounded Charles Lee Ray and assisted the Barclay family in investigating Karen's friend, Maggie Peterson's death, refused to testify after receiving a warning by his superiors of probation or resignation if he talked. This most likely, also involved Mike's partner, Jack Santos, who had also witnessed Chucky come to life. As a result, Karen was remanded to a psychiatric hospital for observation, until she was deemed well enough for release. Andy became a ward of the state, as it was mentioned in Child's Play, that his father was dead and it's implied there are no other relatives to take him in. He was sent to the Midtown Children's Crisis Center in downtown Chicago, Illinois, to await for temporary foster custody. This is when the Simpsons decided to take him in.
In the beginning of the film, a horribly burnt Chucky is seen to be reconstructed by two technicians in the Play Pals factory, he receives new body parts and a slightly altered appearance apart from his previous look in Child's Play. However, instead of scrapping the entire doll, the technicians still kept the doll's original "skeleton" which had Charles Lee Ray's soul inside. Whether it was coincidental or not, the machine malfunctions and the electricity from the machine, electrocutes one of the technicians, channeling the technician's own energy from his spirit into Chucky's body. Thus, invoking Charles Lee Ray's spirit and bringing him to life by providing him with spiritual energy.
It is implied that Phil and Joanne are unable to produce offspring but want children. It is not shown in the theatrical or home versions of the film, but in a deleted scene, Phil reminds Joanne they have been on a waiting list for an entire year in order to adopt a child. Joanne tells Phil they have to keep waiting as there aren't enough children to go around. It is also mentioned by Phil that Joanne had quit her job to demonstrate to the adoption agency her availability of being a stay at home mom and the fostering of various children further represents their credibility and readiness to adopt a child.
It is never revealed where the two actually go, but towards the very end of the film, Kyle and Andy are seen walking out of the factory in broad daylight. Andy had asked Kyle where they were going and she had replied, "Home." Neither one had any clue as to where "home" is as they are both orphans. It's presumed that they could've (1) gone to a police station for help and reported on what happened, (2) gotten assistance somewhere else, or (3) parted ways.
Due to the traumatic events that occurred in Child's Play, Andy held a fear of Good Guy dolls which he partially expressed to his social worker. He also stared in fear at a Play Pals semi-truck driving by when he was inside the Simpsons' station wagon. When Andy was looking through his bedroom closet, he tried to reach for a skateboard on the top shelf, but a Good Guy doll named Tommy falls out instead, and Andy tries to run out of the room. Andy is aware that Phil shows some resentment towards him, due to the disturbing information he received about Andy's past and his confusion about Andy's seemingly immature and unrealistic delusion that a doll could come alive. Kyle had told Andy that Phil isn't the worst personality, that foster parents can get around children, telling him some foster homes are, in fact, abusive. Later, Andy overhears a conversation Phil and Joanne are having about possibly sending Andy back to the Midtown Children's Crisis Center due to his troublesome past. Also, because of the constant need for attention Phil believes Andy needs. Fearing the possibility he may be sent to an abusive foster home, Andy tries his best to shed his fears and traumatic past and live up to the expectations of, mainly, Phil. Andy also knows that if someone like Phil cannot tolerate his issues, then certainly an abusive foster parent couldn't either. Before picking up the doll, Andy checks its battery compartment and breathes a sigh of relief when he finds that there are batteries. This is a reference to Child's Play, in which, Karen had checked Chucky's battery compartment and discovered there weren't any batteries. Andy proceeds to show off his improvement in front of Phil and Joanne while also showing he doesn't need that much attention. In a deleted scene, Joanne notes this to Phil, saying that Andy is trying hard to impress them.
In the theatrical and home versions of the film, Andy had melted Chucky with molten plastic, and Kyle had shoved an air hose into Chucky's mouth inflating his head to the point of ***. It's implied that he did die.
This ending would conflict with the belief that Chucky's heart is supposed to be destroyed as his voodoo instructor, John Simonsen, told Karen in Child's Play. However, in an alternate ending, only airing on the USA and Sci-fi networks, as Kyle and Andy are seen walking out of the factory, the camera returns back inside the factory as it pans and centers on a vat of molten plastic, which takes all of Chucky's remains, including some of his blood, and mixes it into the plastic. A new doll head is lifted out and the face slowly conforms into Chucky's twisted, evil smile, implying he isn't dead and setting up the events for Child's Play 3. This would go along with the idea that because his heart wasn't destroyed, he can't be dead.
Inside the Play Pals Factory, Chucky had knocked Andy unconscious and began the voodoo chant which ultimately, would lead to him possessing the young boy's body. He finishes the chant, though his nose is shown to be bleeding. Throughout the film, Chucky's nose was shown to be bleeding profusely. The first time, was when Chucky was thrown into the basement by Phil. Chucky had remarked that this is the first sign that his heart is beginning to conform into that of a human's and, therefore be prone to fatal human injury. Which also was revealed in Child's Play. He only has a limited amount of time to transfer his soul or else he'll be trapped forever inside the doll. This explains why he is impatient and hasty in his behavior. He even tells Kyle this when she asks him why he's rushing. After the voodoo chant, the bloody nose was the hint that it was already too late for him and he was trapped. This would explain why he was so furious and vengeful at Kyle and Andy for stalling.
It's never explicitly said why Kyle has moved around so much, but there's endless possibilities. Kyle had told Joanne she never stayed more than a month in any home, as an explanation for why she doesn't unpack her suitcases anymore. Joanne assumes it's because of Kyle's poor attitude. Kyle is shown to have a rebellious side as she swears, sneaks out late at night when she is forbidden to, and smokes cigarettes when she has been repeatedly told not to by Phil. She had even told Andy that she was put up for adoption by her mother at the age of 3. Some reasons could be as follows: (1) Most adoptive families are more interested in adopting infants than older children, (2) Some families may have not been able to tolerate Kyle's attitude and behavior, and (3) The most likely reason is that there is no set time as to how long an orphan stays with an adoptive family. It can be anywhere from a couple days to several years. It all depends on the social worker (e.g. Grace Poole). It isn't even the foster family's decision to decide whether the child stays or goes. Kyle has the same social worker as Andy and has even stayed at the Midtown Children's Crisis Center while waiting for an available family, which is implied when Grace tells Andy that the Center had placed Kyle in a number of different families.
If you haven't seen Child's Play, the predecessor to Child's Play 2, it explains that Karen and Andy had shoved Chucky into a fireplace and burned him alive in an effort to *** him.
Powered by Alexa
- How long is Child's Play 2?1 hour and 24 minutes
- When was Child's Play 2 released?November 9, 1990
- What is the IMDb rating of Child's Play 2?6 out of 10
- Who stars in Child's Play 2?
- Who wrote Child's Play 2?
- Who directed Child's Play 2?
- Who was the composer for Child's Play 2?
- Who was the producer of Child's Play 2?
- Who was the executive producer of Child's Play 2?
- Who was the cinematographer for Child's Play 2?
- Who was the editor of Child's Play 2?
- Who are the characters in Child's Play 2?Andy Barclay, Joanne Simpson, Phil Simpson, Kyle, Chucky, Grace Poole, Mr. Sullivan, Miss Kettlewell, Mattson, Social Worker, and others
- What is the plot of Child's Play 2?While Andy's mother is admitted to a psychiatric hospital, the young boy is placed in foster care, and Chucky, determined to claim Andy's soul, is not far behind.
- What was the budget for Child's Play 2?$13 million
- How much did Child's Play 2 earn at the worldwide box office?$35.8 million
- How much did Child's Play 2 earn at the US box office?$28.5 million
- What is Child's Play 2 rated?TV-14
- What genre is Child's Play 2?Horror and Thriller
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