James Rebhorn credited as playing...
Albert Nimziki
- Julius Levinson: Hey, hey, hey, don't you tell him to shut up! You'd all be dead now if it weren't for my David! None of you did anything to prevent this!
- Gen. Gray: There was nothing we could do! We were totally unprepared for...
- Julius Levinson: AAAHHH, don't give me unprepared! You knew about this for years! What,with that spaceship you found in New Mexico! What was it called... Roswell, New Mexico! And that other place... uh... Area 51, Area 51! You knew then! And you did nothing!
- President Thomas Whitmore: Mr. Levinson, contrary to what you may have read in the tabloids, there is no Area 51. There is no spaceship...
- Albert Nimzicki: Uh... excuse me, Mr. President? That's not entirely accurate.
- David Levinson: What, which part?
- Albert Nimzicki: [Levinson has invited him to pray] I'm not Jewish.
- Julius Levinson: Nobody's perfect.
- Monica Soloway: The 3 choppers are steadily approaching what has unanimously agreed to be the front of these spaceships, a parabolic indentation 9 city blocks in diameter.
- [Connie whispers in the Presidents ear. He gets up and follows her out]
- Albert Nimzicki: You're leaving now?
- Gen. Gray: As the former head of the CIA, you knew about this place. When were you planning on informing the rest of us?
- Albert Nimzicki: It had been deemed classified.
- Gen. Gray: You should've told us about this when they first arrived. You should've warned us before we launched a counter attack that cost us the lives of hundreds of American pilots!
- Albert Nimzicki: There's no way we could have known that our fighters would've been not that effective against their attackers.