When this was filmed, I was in the NROTC at USC. The producer needed about a hundred extras to play the detachment of soldiers at the airfield. When this was filmed in 1972, finding a hundred extras with short hair and knowing some sort of military training was a steep task. The producer contacted the unit and on Thanksgiving weekend in 1972 we were bussed to the high desert north of Los Angeles. An entire airbase set was constructed complete with about 5 army B 25 bombers and the required tents, trucks and military looking equipment. Paramount had a complete wardrobe crew that decked us all out in WWII uniforms. We filmed a sequence where the "missing air crew" flew in with all kinds of special effects. For an 18 year old doing their first and only picture, it was a lot of fun and really interesting experience. I did see the pilot on TV in early 1973 and thought it was okay.