Fri, Jun 17, 2011
Chyna and Olive make an effort to be more involved with their school's extracurricular activities and try out for the cheer-leading squad. Only Chyna gets accepted into the squad, but she gets more than she bargained for, when Lexi puts her cheer-leading skills to the test. Meanwhile, Cameron creates his own club called the "End Hunger Today Club" as an excuse to eat buffalo wings all for himself, but when Fletcher catches him in the act and threatens to tell the teachers about his *** club, Cameron is forced to let Fletcher join.
Fri, Jun 24, 2011
Annoyed with China's friend Olive (who shares a locker next to him), Cameron convinces Olive that a ghost inhabits her locker, which causes her to become locker mates with China; when this proves to be too much for China to bear, she tries to convince Olive that there is no ghost in her own locker. Meanwhile, Fletcher is asked by Principal Skidmore to paint a portrait of her, and gets more than he bargained for.
Fri, Jul 1, 2011
Chyna stays up all night watching a show instead of studying for a test, but gets a good grade anyway. Feeling that something fishy is going on, she gets help from Olive to prove that the school is treating the ANTs differently. Meanwhile, Cameron and Lexi find Skidmore's phone in the trash and decide to keep it so they can get a reward.
Fri, Jul 8, 2011
Olive tells Chyna she should run for A.N.T. Representative and she does. However, Chyna soon learns that the A.N.T. Rep has to do lots of tedious work and that Olive tricked her into running for the position. In order to get even, Chyna throws Olive's name into the running as well. Meanwhile, Fletcher hangs out with Chyna's dad in order to get on his good side.
Fri, Jul 15, 2011
Gibson's grandmother is moving into her boyfriend Bob's house, leaving Gibson all alone. So, Chyna and Fletcher hang out with him to cheer him up. However, Gibson never leaves them alone. To get Gibson to leave them alone, and to get Chyna to hang out with him, Fletcher decides to get Gibson a girlfriend. After Chyna and Fletcher find out Gibson had a girlfriend as as child, they ask Angus to find out where his girlfriend Sophie is, and to their dismay, she is in jail. Gibson and Sophie then become a couple again, besides the fact Sophie is in jail, and Gibson is oblivious to this. Meanwhile, Lexi wants to get into the school newspaper, and Olive tells her she must do something heroic to get in it, so she and Paisley try everything to get the into the newspaper, but fails from getting the publicity.
Fri, Aug 12, 2011
Chyna falls for a new student in the A.N.T. Program from the United Kingdom. He's also an artistic genius and is using a robot to attend school remotely. Chyna later tells Fletcher that there's this artistic guy she's interested in and she was wondering if she should ask him out. Fletcher thinks Chyna is talking about him and tells Chyna to ask him out. After Chyna invites Nigel to go roller skating, Fletcher gets jealous and, along with Angus, devises a plan to sabotage Chyna's date. Meanwhile, Darryl challenges Olive and Cameron to see who can get the highest score on an arcade game called Donkey King.
Fri, Aug 19, 2011
After Principal Skidmore gives every student in school an award for their talent except Cameron, Chyna sets out to help him realize his talent. When she comes up short, Chyna convinces Cameron that he is psychic and now everyone in school is listening to Cameron's predictions and Chyna has to keep making those predictions come true. Meanwhile, Fletcher takes a stand against Principal Skidmore when she replaces the dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets in the cafeteria.
Fri, Aug 26, 2011
Cameron pretends to be Chyna's manager when they meet hip-hop producer, Hippo. Chyna thinks it might be her big break, but when Hippo wants to make some changes that Chyna doesn't agree with, it's up to Cameron to step in and save the day. Meanwhile, Olive and Fletcher are on opposing teams of a Home Economics class challenge.
Fri, Sep 16, 2011
When Principal Skidmore makes drastic cuts to the school's budget and has to release Gibson from the staff, Chyna, Olive and Fletcher host a "Save Gibson" web-a-thon to raise money to cover his salary. Meanwhile, Cameron has to help Lexi out of a bind after she unfairly wins a beauty pageant.
Fri, Sep 23, 2011
Chyna, Olive and Fletcher meet Zanko, Fletcher's favorite artist. Zanko is having trouble with inspiration, so he asks Fletcher to create a painting to inspire him. But when Zanko passes the painting off as his own at his comeback party, Chyna creates an elite team to rescue the painting. Meanwhile, Paisley and Lexi audition to be a princess for a kid's birthday party and Paisley gets the part.
Fri, Oct 28, 2011
Chyna is overheard singing by pop superstar Madam Goo Goo, and is totally star-struck when she is given Goo Goo's phone number so they can work together on a song. However, when the ANTs go on a field trip to a fortune cookie factory, Chyna realizes she lost Goo Goo's number. So Olive, Fletcher and Angus help retrace Chyna's steps back to the factory to find the misplaced number. Meanwhile, Lexi finds out she wasn't invited to a fellow cheerleaders birthday party.
Fri, Nov 18, 2011
Lexi decides to host a slumber party so Chyna decides to host one on her own. Lexi invites the popular girls at school and Chyna invites the girls at the A.N.T program. But when Olive showed up their only, Chyna discovers that Lexi took all the girls Chyna invited because her slumber party looks better so Chyna uses the green screen Olive painted to make Lexi jealous. Meanwhile, Cameron uses Fletcher to help him make a comic book.
Fri, Nov 25, 2011
A reality show "America Needs Talent" arrives at Webster High, and everyone auditions to be on it; however Chyna and Lexi both get picked as finalists for the reality show. Chyna arrives just in time before the show. Meanwhile, Olive and Paisley enter a game show competition, and Cameron, Fletcher and Darryl wait in line at a popular bacon truck. Only to have Angus buy everything off the truck.
Fri, Dec 9, 2011
Principal Skidmore asks Chyna, Olive and Fletcher to build toys for kids at an orphanage. But then, they find out its a *** and instead Principal Skidmore sells it for profit. They then booby-trap the toys but then Principal Skidmore gives toys to the orphanage, so they must get the toys back. Meanwhile, Darryl follows Roxanne around to see what she is getting him for Christmas. Lexi and Paisley work as gift wrappers at the mall.
Fri, Jan 27, 2012
Chyna, Olive, Fletcher, and Angus want to go to an upcoming concert with older kids, but they know Chyna's mom will never let them go. In order to convince her, they pretend they're going to see a kid's band, which backfires when she decides to tag along. Meanwhile, Cameron tries to get backstage at the concert.