Guerra civil estadounidense (Q8676)
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conflito bélico nos Estados Unidos de América entre 1861 e 1865
- guerra de secesión
- guerra civil americana
Lingua | Etiqueta | Descrición | Tamén coñecido como |
predeterminado para todas as linguas | Non hai ningunha etiqueta definida |
galego | Guerra civil estadounidense |
conflito bélico nos Estados Unidos de América entre 1861 e 1865 |
inglés | American Civil War |
1861–1865 civil war in the United States between the North and the South over the enslavement of African-Americans |
398 × 645; 376 kB
398 × 645; 376 kB
Civil War (inglés)
0 referencias
12 abril 1861Gregoriano
9 abril 1865Gregoriano
5 referencias
Of all these interpretations, the state's-rights argument is perhaps the weakest. It fails to ask the question, state's rights for what purpose? State's rights, or sovereignty, was always more a means than an end, an instrument to achieve a certain goal more than a principle. (inglés)
while slavery and its various and multifaceted discontents were the primary cause of disunion, it was disunion itself that sparked the war (inglés)
I consider the tariff act as the occasion, rather than the real cause of the present unhappy state of things. The truth can no longer be disguised, that the peculiar domestick [sic] institution of the Southern States ... has placed them in regard to taxation and appropriations in opposite relation to the majority of the Union (inglés)
to the outbreak of the Civil War, the agitation of state rights was intimately connected with the new issue of growing importance, the slavery question, and the principle form assumed by the doctrine was the right of secession. The pro-slavery forces sought refuge in the state rights position as a shield against federal interference with pro-slavery projects (inglés)
The battle wasn’t so much to support the end of slavery, as it was to protect the identity of the United States. The basis of this fight was ground in the beliefs of the people and their interpretations of the Constitution and the rules and qualifications that it embodied. The people were going to be the ones to change the meaning of the Constitution and the individuality of the country. (inglés)
direitos estaduais portugués
Lost Cause portugués
1 referencia
Of all these interpretations, the state's-rights argument is perhaps the weakest. It fails to ask the question, state's rights for what purpose? State's rights, or sovereignty, was always more a means than an end, an instrument to achieve a certain goal more than a principle. (inglés)
American Civil War
7 maio 2021
0 referencias
0 referencias
0 referencias
1 referencia
Estados Unidos--Historia--1861-1865 (Guerra civil)
7 decembro 2020
1 referencia
1 referencia
7 decembro 2020
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865
1 referencia
29 decembro 2017
1 referencia
MeSH term ID inglés
1 referencia
1 referencia
1 referencia
1 referencia
2 referencias
American Civil War
Jennifer L. Weber
Warren W. Hassler
0 referencias
American Civil War
0 referencias
Maine: An Encyclopedia ID inglés
NicoNicoPedia ID inglés
wojna secesyjna
United States Civil War, 1861-1865
1 referencia
14 marzo 2021
American Civil War (1861-1865) fast (OCoLC)fst01351658
1 referencia
14 marzo 2021
Civil War, 1861-1865
1 referencia
14 marzo 2021
1 referencia
14 marzo 2021
guèrra civile americana
1 referencia
American Civil War (1861-1865)
1 referencia
23 agosto 2022
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UMLS 2023 inglés
25 maio 2023
0 referencias
1 referencia
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Wikipedia(150 entradas)
- afwiki Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog
- alswiki Sezessionskrieg
- amwiki የአሜሪካ ብሔራዊ ጦርነት
- angwiki Americanisce Ingefeoht
- anpwiki अमरीकी गृहयुद्ध
- anwiki Guerra Civil d'os Estaus Unius
- arwiki الحرب الأهلية الأمريكية
- arzwiki الحرب الاهلية الامريكيه
- astwiki Guerra Civil de los Estaos Xuníos
- azbwiki آمریکا ایچ ساواشی
- azwiki ABŞ vətəndaş müharibəsi
- bat_smgwiki JAV cėvėlėnė vaina
- bawiki АҠШ-тағы граждандар һуғышы
- bclwiki Gera Sibil nin mga Amerikano
- be_x_oldwiki Грамадзянская вайна ў ЗША
- bewiki Грамадзянская вайна ў ЗША
- bgwiki Американска гражданска война
- bnwiki মার্কিন গৃহযুদ্ধ
- brwiki Brezel diabarzh Stadoù-Unanet Amerika
- bswiki Američki građanski rat
- btmwiki Porang Sudaro Amerika
- bxrwiki Америкын эрхэтэнэй дайн
- cawiki Guerra Civil dels Estats Units
- cebwiki Gubat Patani sa Amerika
- cewiki АЦШ гражданийн тӀом
- chrwiki ᏴᏩᏁᎬ Civil ᏓᏄᏩ
- ckbwiki شەڕی ناوخۆییی ئەمریکا
- cowiki Guerra Civile Americana
- crhwiki Amerika grajdanlıq cenki
- cswiki Americká občanská válka
- cywiki Rhyfel Cartref America
- dawiki Amerikanske borgerkrig
- dewiki Sezessionskrieg
- elwiki Αμερικανικός Εμφύλιος Πόλεμος
- emlwiki Guèra 'd secesiòṅ americàna
- enwiki American Civil War
- eowiki Usona Enlanda Milito
- eswiki Guerra de Secesión
- etwiki Ameerika Ühendriikide kodusõda
- euwiki Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako Gerra Zibila
- fawiki جنگ داخلی آمریکا
- fiu_vrowiki Ameeriga Ütisriike kodosõda
- fiwiki Yhdysvaltain sisällissota
- fowiki Amerikanska Borgarakríggið
- frrwiki Ameerikoons Bürgerkrich
- frwiki Guerre de Sécession
- fywiki Amerikaanske Boargeroarloch
- gawiki Cogadh Cathartha na Stát Aontaithe
- gdwiki Cogadh Catharra Ameireaganach
- glkwiki آمريکا داخلي جنگ
- glwiki Guerra civil estadounidense
- gnwiki Amérika Retãvorekuéra Joaju ñorairõ
- hawiki Yaƙin basasar Amurka
- hewiki מלחמת האזרחים האמריקנית
- hifwiki American Civil War
- hiwiki अमेरिकी गृहयुद्ध
- hrwiki Američki građanski rat
- huwiki Amerikai polgárháború
- hywiki Քաղաքացիական պատերազմը ԱՄՆ-ում
- iawiki Guerra Civil Statounitese
- idwiki Perang Saudara Amerika
- igwiki Agha Obodo America
- ilowiki Sibil a Gubat ti Amerikano
- iowiki Usana interna milito
- iswiki Þrælastríðið
- itwiki Guerra civile americana
- jawiki 南北戦争
- jvwiki Perang Sadulur Amérika
- kawiki აშშ-ის სამოქალაქო ომი
- kbpwiki Ɖama tɛyʊʊ you (Guerre de Sécession)
- kkwiki Америкадағы азамат соғысы
- knwiki ಅಮೇರಿಕಾದ ಅಂತಃಕಲಹ
- kowiki 남북 전쟁
- krcwiki АБШ-да граждан къазауат
- kuwiki Şerê navxweyî yê Amerîkayê
- kwwiki Bresel Vredereth Amerika
- kywiki АКШдагы жарандык согуш
- lawiki Bellum Civile Americanum
- lbwiki Sezessiounskrich
- lezwiki АСШ-дин граждан дяве
- lijwiki Guæra de secescion americaña
- liwiki Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog
- lmowiki Guerra Civil Americana
- ltwiki Jungtinių Valstijų pilietinis karas
- lvwiki Amerikas pilsoņu karš
- mgwiki Ady an-trano amerikana
- minwiki Parang Sudaro AS
- mkwiki Американска граѓанска војна
- mlwiki അമേരിക്കൻ ആഭ്യന്തരയുദ്ധം
- mnwiki Америкийн иргэний дайн
- mrwiki अमेरिकन यादवी युद्ध
- mswiki Perang Saudara Amerika
- mtwiki Gwerra Ċivili Amerikana
- mwlwiki Guerra Cebil Amaricana
- mywiki အမေရိကန် ပြည်တွင်းစစ်
- napwiki Uerra civile ammerecana
- ndswiki Amerikaansche Börgerkrieg
- newiki अमेरिकी गृहयुद्ध
- newwiki अमेरिकी गृह हताः
- nlwiki Amerikaanse Burgeroorlog
- nnwiki Borgarkrigen i USA
- nowiki Den amerikanske borgerkrigen
- nqowiki ߊߡߍߙߌߞߌ߬ ߣߊ߲߬ߕߊ߲߬ ߞߟߍ
- ocwiki Guèrra Civila Americana
- omwiki U.S. Civil War
- pawiki ਅਮਰੀਕੀ ਗ੍ਰਹਿ ਯੁੱਧ
- plwiki Wojna secesyjna
- pmswiki Guèra sivil american-a
- pnbwiki امریکی خانہ جنگی
- pswiki د امریکا کورنۍ جګړه
- ptwiki Guerra de Secessão
- rowiki Războiul Civil American
- ruewiki Домова война в США
- ruwiki Гражданская война в США
- sahwiki Америка гражданскай сэриитэ
- scnwiki Guerra civili miricana
- scwiki Gherra tzivile americana
- sdwiki آمريڪي گهرو ويڙهه
- shwiki Američki građanski rat
- simplewiki American Civil War
- siwiki ඇමරිකානු සිවිල් යුද්ධය
- skwiki Americká občianska vojna
- slwiki Ameriška državljanska vojna
- sqwiki Lufta Civile Amerikane
- srwiki Амерички грађански рат
- stqwiki Amerikoanske Burgerkriech
- svwiki Amerikanska inbördeskriget
- swwiki Vita vya wenyewe kwa wenyewe nchini Marekani
- tawiki அமெரிக்க உள்நாட்டுப் போர்
- tewiki అమెరికా అంతర్యుద్ధం
- thwiki สงครามกลางเมืองอเมริกา
- tkwiki ABŞ-daky Raýatlyk urşy
- tlwiki Digmaang Sibil ng Amerika
- trwiki Amerikan İç Savaşı
- ttwiki АКШ ватандашлар сугышы
- ukwiki Громадянська війна в США
- urwiki امریکی خانہ جنگی
- uzwiki AQShda fuqarolar urushi
- vecwiki Guera de secesion americana
- vepwiki Rahvahanikoiden soda AÜV:oiš
- viwiki Nội chiến Hoa Kỳ
- warwiki Gera Sibil Amerikanhon
- wuuwiki 美国内战
- yiwiki אמעריקאנער בירגערקריג
- yowiki Ogun Abẹ́lé Amẹ́ríkà
- zh_classicalwiki 南北美之役
- zh_min_nanwiki Lâm-pak Chiàn-cheng
- zh_yuewiki 南北戰爭
- zhwiki 南北战争
Wikibooks(2 entradas)
- enwikibooks US History/Civil War
- jawikibooks 中学校社会 歴史/アメリカの南北戦争
Wikinews(2 entradas)
- enwikinews Category:US Civil War
- ruwikinews Категория:Гражданская война в США
Wikiquote(8 entradas)
- bnwikiquote মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের গৃহযুদ্ধ
- enwikiquote American Civil War
- eowikiquote Usona Enlanda milito
- etwikiquote Ameerika Ühendriikide kodusõda
- hewikiquote מלחמת האזרחים האמריקנית
- itwikiquote Guerra di secessione americana
- plwikiquote Wojna secesyjna
- srwikiquote Амерички грађански рат
Wikisource(0 entradas)
Wikiversidade(0 entradas)
Wikivoyage(1 entrada)
- enwikivoyage American Civil War
Galizionario(0 entradas)
Outros sitios(1 entrada)
- commonswiki American Civil War