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Stroke order
Derived in the Heian period from writing the man'yōgana kanji 止 in the cursive sōsho style.
と • (to)
- The hiragana syllable と (to). Its equivalent in katakana is ト (to). It is the twentieth syllable in the gojūon order; its position is た行お段 (ta-gyō o-dan, “row ta, section o”).
- (Hiragana) 平仮名; あぁ, いぃ, うぅゔ, えぇ, おぉ, かゕが, きぎ, くぐ, けゖげ, こご, さざ, しじ, すず, せぜ, そぞ, ただ, ちぢ, つっづ, てで, とど, な, に, ぬ, ね, の, はばぱ, ひびぴ, ふぶぷ, へべぺ, ほぼぽ, ま, み, む, め, も, やゃ, ゆゅ, よょ, ら, り, る, れ, ろ, わゎ, ゐ, ゑ, を, ん, ー, ゝ, ゞ, ゟ
⟨to2⟩ → */tə/ → /to/
From Old Japanese, from Proto-Japonic *tə.
と • (to)
- with
- 僕と行きたい?
- Boku to ikitai?
- Do you want to go with me?
- あなたと一緒に行きます。
- Anata to issho ni ikimasu.
- I will go with you.
- (when between nouns) and
- と can be attached to both nouns, but this is no longer common. Compare Korean -과 (-gwa), which also used to have this phenomenon.
- 彼女は英語とフランス語(と)が話せる。
- Kanojo wa eigo to furansugo (to) ga hanaseru.
- She can speak English and French.
- それとこれ。
- Sore to kore.
- That and this.
- 犬と猫(と)を私は飼っている。
- Inu to neko (to) o watashi wa katteiru.
- I keep the dog and the cat.
- a particle following a phrase or clause describing the detail, content or manner of the action, similar to a complement, and usually found after dialogue, whether spoken or thought.
- 「お願い!」と、彼女は言った。
- “Onegai!” to, kanojo wa itta.
- "Please!", she said.
- なんだと!?
- Nan da to!?
- What!?
- これはダメだと思います。
- Kore wa dame da to omoimasu.
- I think this won't work.
- (literally, “‘This won't work,’ I think.”)
- 小川が集めて大河となる。
- Ogawa ga atsumete taiga to naru.
- Small streams gather and become big rivers.
- 氷と化す
- kōri to kasu
- become ice
- [1]
- 交戦で北朝鮮兵死亡と米紙
- kōsen de Kita-Chōsen-hei shibō to beishi
- North Korean troops die in skirmish, according to US news
- if (when appended to a dictionary-form verb and followed by a present-tense sentence)
- 勉強すると分かる。
- Benkyō suru to wakaru.
- If you study, you'll understand.
- 円高が進むと、日本経済が混乱する。
- Endaka ga susumu to, Nihon keizai ga konran suru.
- If the high yen continues, the Japanese economy will be in dire straits.
- 二と三を掛けると六になる。
- Ni to san o kakeru to roku ni naru.
- If you multiply two and three, they make six.
- when (when appended to a dictionary form verb and followed by a past-tense sentence)
- マンハッタンへ行くと、大学の友達に会った。
- Manhattan e iku to, daigaku no tomodachi ni atta.
- When I went to Manhattan, I met a friend from university.
- can be attached to some adverbs to (slightly) highlight the explanatory nature of the adverb
- そよそよ風が吹く
- soyosoyo kaze ga fuku
- A gentle breeze blows.
そよそよと風が吹く- soyosoyo to kaze ga fuku
- The breeze blows gently.
- と (to) in the sense of "and" can only be used to conjoin nouns; not verbs or sentences. They are joined by conjugation.
- と (to) in the sense of "and" implies that the list is complete. In the above sentence, the subject only speaks English and French. To imply other items, the particles とか (toka) or や (ya) are used in lieu of と (to). The particle など (nado, “etc., and so on”) can be appended to a list of nouns conjoined by と to imply that there are other items on the list.
- と (to) in the sense of "if" can be interchangeable with the conditional particles ば (ba) and たら (tara)/なら (nara) if the conditionals describe a hypothetical effect of an action.
- When と (to) is used in the meaning "when" it implies that the action following と happened abruptly. See とき (toki).
と • (to)
- Short for と金 (tokin): a promoted 歩兵 (fuhyō, “pawn”) that moves like a 金将 (kinshō, “gold general”)
For pronunciation and definitions of と – see the following entries.
- [noun] Used in compound terms such as 跡絶える (todaeru, “to cut off, sever”), 跡見 (tomi, “tracking (in hunting)”), etc.
- [noun] an obsolete unit of liquid measure equal to about 18 liters (18,000 cm³)
(This term, と (to), is the hiragana spelling of the above terms.) For a list of all kanji read as と, see Category:Japanese kanji read as と.)
(The following entries do not have a page created for them yet: 人, 利, 砥, 途, 堵.)