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ar a fhad

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Literally, on its length





ar a fhad

  1. lengthwise, lengthways
    • 1899, Franz Nikolaus Finck, Die araner mundart [The Aran Dialect], volume II (overall work in German), Marburg: Elwert’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, page 101:
      ər høš tū n krān̄. høš mē əŕ ad ē.
      [Ar thomhais tú an crann? Thomhais mé ar a fhad é.]
      Did you measure the mast? I measured it lengthwise.

Usage notes


The possessive article agrees with whatever is being described, thus ar a fad of something feminine and ar a bhfad of plural items.


  1. ^ Finck, F. N. (1899) Die araner mundart [The Aran Dialect] (in German), volume II, Marburg: Elwert’sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, page 101

Further reading
